I read over this very quickly but I would recommend you making a police report (if you haven't already). Here is why:
The grading for theft in your state of NM and the money you are out makes it 4th Degree (felony).
Zelle are a US based company and in my experience they are receptive to subpoenas.
If your local law enforcement agency is even half competent they will assign the case to a detective. The detective will, at a minimum, determine whether the actor is in the US or overseas.
You never know, this person could live right down the road from you. If not, they are most likely in India: The Nigerian Princes of the early 2000s have been replaced by criminal gangs in India that do this stuff all day and on a pretty large scale.
If you want some guidance on the language to use if you choose to make this report, to decrease the likelihood of being blown off; DM me.