Death Valley Update
This is my update on how my stock (except for tires) 09 Tacoma did on D.V Road/trails... I entered from Olancha and hit Saline Valley road. I aired down to 25psi on the 265/75/16's and was able to ride the washboard in comfort at 30mph! Last time on this road, I was driving a 3/4 Dodge Diesel with a 4Wheel camper and doing about 12mph and rattling out my fillings! The road was in great shape and I proceeded to the hot springs and camped out. Next day I proceeded up South Eureka road from the hot springs. I would NOT recommend long wheel base (double cabs or Tundras) to take this road. 90% of road was fine but there were some tight turns near the base of Dry Mountain. It was smooth sailing until I got Dedeckera Canyon, just prior to dropping into the Eureka Sand Dune Valley...It was GNARLY!:Wow1:
Mostly due to the fact that I was by myself and there was no one on the road all day; I also didn't have a "spotter". There were about four "steps" down that were very narrow, steep with BIG rocks! Anyway, taking a stock Tacoma was a challenge, but it made it through! The only casualty was the front lower guard was dented, so I guess it did its job. Again, a longer wheel based truck (longer than a regular cab) would sustain some damage, it seemed like a Jeep trail. Maybe if i had 2+ inches more of front lift it would have gone easier...