Great pricing on KYB Monomax shocks


Expedition Leader
They are both monotube shocks, so ride quality should be about the same. I know in the autocross world the kyb AGX is one of the best shocks you can buy for the money and last very well.

I took my new rear shocks (KYB Monomax) to the test today. I did about 20 miles of high speed whoops in the sand between Afton and Soda Lake. I was averaging 35 to 40 mph most of time. Only launched truck completely airborne 4 or 5 times. Back end didn't bounce on landing. Really impressed! I didn't get any photos of the whoops, but here is an overall shot of the area:


New member
i don't have experience on the monomax but i can vouch for the old man emu's, most rigs out here run OME and will defend it till death. my pops has a TRD tundra with the stock bilsteins and a friend of mine has the same truck but with OME and one thing i can account for is the OME is much smoother and seems to absorb high speed impacts way more. i do know that you can not go wrong with neither monomax, bilsteins or OME but i believe if i was on a budget id go monomax and if money wasn't issue i would go OME as they are double the price here. bilsteins are somewhat in the middle!
I have some notes in my build thread on the KYB Monomax shocks.

I felt a definite improvement in my ride quality with the new shocks, particularly with full load- I rarely drive the truck for anything other than trips and very inclement weather.

As others have said installation can be slightly tedious but should be doable by anyone with a pair of working hands, two nuts/bolts on each and you're done (generally speaking).

I did fairly extensive research on their comparison to Old Man Emu and Iron Man in particular. I'll let you guys do the same homework I did (or look in my build thread, I mentioned some specs if I recall correctly) but my conclusion is that A) they are made in Japan. B) They are (or were slightly more than) equal in dimensional specs of the OME and larger/heavier duty than Iron Man. This translates to their strength and ability to dissipate heat. Both good things. C) KYB Monomax was significantly less expensive.

My truck has OME Expedition heavy rear springs and Iron Man torsion bars fitted.

I have not driven or ridden in a comparably equipped Montero with OME suspension, but have driven a plethora of rigs with OME suspensions. I can only speak of the improvements the shocks made on my truck after switching from the adjustable shocks. Two thumbs up.

Upon arrival, I noticed the welds, fit and finish, were on par with OME. I attribute that to the Japanese manufacturing.

I'll also be equipping my FJ62 Land Couch with KYB Monomax shocks.


New member
I have had these installed for about a year. They are firm like everyone says. I love them because they feel sturdy when I am loaded down with the family and all the camping gear for long trips. I have nothing to compare them to on my own rig besides the completely blown out shocks that came with the truck. I have ridden in a Montero with tuned fox shots that cost way more than the Monomax and the Fox are certainly much smoother on something like a washboard rod so no comparison there. Having said that I think the Monomax are extremely well built and will hold up well for years of tough usage. They are noticeably thicker in diameter than the gas adjust. For $50 a corner I dont think you will find better.

1999 full size Montero

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