Hey guys,
So I just recently picked up a Baofeng BF-F8HP (new UV-5R) and have been doing some strict listening only on VHF/UHF frequencies. I hoping to take my HAM test in the near future as to be able to transmit and dive a little deeper into the subject. Will probably grab the android study app soon and get familiar with what I should know.
I'm curious as to what you would suggest checking out as far as having a further understanding of navigating around. I've become familiar with navigating the frequencies, saving channels, setting up CTCSS to access certain frequencies from locally found services online. (The Baofeng manual is "OK")
I'm also curious as to what people often do when they are traveling with them in their car. If you aren't convoying with someone else, are there particular frequencies to listen in on? Are you looking up a few local frequencies along the route? This is where I'm most lost or feel as though I'm missing something here. I saw in the FAQ thread there was a popular 146.52 wilderness frequency but seemed to be mostly emergency.
So I just recently picked up a Baofeng BF-F8HP (new UV-5R) and have been doing some strict listening only on VHF/UHF frequencies. I hoping to take my HAM test in the near future as to be able to transmit and dive a little deeper into the subject. Will probably grab the android study app soon and get familiar with what I should know.
I'm curious as to what you would suggest checking out as far as having a further understanding of navigating around. I've become familiar with navigating the frequencies, saving channels, setting up CTCSS to access certain frequencies from locally found services online. (The Baofeng manual is "OK")
I'm also curious as to what people often do when they are traveling with them in their car. If you aren't convoying with someone else, are there particular frequencies to listen in on? Are you looking up a few local frequencies along the route? This is where I'm most lost or feel as though I'm missing something here. I saw in the FAQ thread there was a popular 146.52 wilderness frequency but seemed to be mostly emergency.