Guns: Should 90% of Lawful Americans Be Punished For The Criminal Actions of 10%?

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Please post your thoughts/feelings regarding gun rights and how it could affect you (even while camping) in America. As opined in the other thread, some people believe that there's a "gun" problem in the U.S., even though numerous studies, statistics, and research factually indicate that the majority of gun crime is committed by a small percentage of our society. We have a Presidential candidate (Hillary Clinton) advising that gun manufacturers should be held liable for deaths, just for making a firearm. It should be pointed out that a certain Democrat (husband of Hillary Clinton) attempted to codify that the Second Amendment poses no legal obstacle to the federal government confiscating every privately owned firearm in the United States. Source:

What say you?


I say they should leave me and my guns alone, any attempt at "certification, testing, or training" is an infringement upon my rights.


I think your title percentages are wrong...

It should be 99.99% law abiding and 0.01% idiots.


Proof that too many people have guns...

Alright, I'll play your game:

1. AIDS: Proof that unchecked homosexual acts can propagate a deadly virus quickly (Source: CDC)
2. Cars: Proof that too many people drive them. In 2014 alone, 32,719 people were killed by them (Source: NHTSA)
3. Hands and Feet: Proof that too many people have them. In 2011 alone, more people were killed by hands/feet than by rifles (Source: FBI Statistics)
4. Hammers: Proof that too many people have them. In 2011 alone, more people were killed by hammers in America than by rifles (Source: FBI Statistics)
5. Abortions: Proof that too many people have easy access to them. They kill MORE people annually than most military conflicts (Source: Planned Parenthood)
6. Forks and Spoons: Proof that too many people have them. An estimated 300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity epidemic (Source: NIH)

Your move.....




Alright, I'll play your game:

Your move.....

I will accept this as invitation to reply.

But firstly I confess the use of "proof" in my prior remark is not correct. It should have been "evidence".
Thats simply a picture Mr. Google shown me. I dont know all the circumstances behind it.
For example, It could be someones personal property and what appears bullet holes done by its owner in a perfectly safe manner, I dunno...
But for the purpose to illustrate my comment of "too many people have guns", I will assume that picture truthfully depicts a crime.
Thus, the worthless turd of a dog f-ing SOB who fired upon that roadsign is just one of the "too many people" mentioned previously. Simple as that.

Mr. SigSense,
Quite a load of statistics, Thanks for the enlightenment,
But Perhaps I miss the point if its somehow connected or meant to compare with criminal use of firearms?

Back to the original post question.
No, I dont think lawful Americans should be punished. Me, being a lawful non-American, Dont think I should be punished either.
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Autism Family Travellers!
Alright, I'll play your game:

1. AIDS: Proof that unchecked homosexual acts can propagate a deadly virus quickly (Source: CDC)
2. Cars: Proof that too many people drive them. In 2014 alone, 32,719 people were killed by them (Source: NHTSA)
3. Hands and Feet: Proof that too many people have them. In 2011 alone, more people were killed by hands/feet than by rifles (Source: FBI Statistics)
4. Hammers: Proof that too many people have them. In 2011 alone, more people were killed by hammers in America than by rifles (Source: FBI Statistics)
5. Abortions: Proof that too many people have easy access to them. They kill MORE people annually than most military conflicts (Source: Planned Parenthood)
6. Forks and Spoons: Proof that too many people have them. An estimated 300,000 deaths per year are due to the obesity epidemic (Source: NIH)

Your move.....

View attachment 334380

View attachment 334379

I have to rebut one of your facts. the forks and spoons. Most obese people don't use them because there is not enough food going into the cakehole at once. Sorry, back to your regularly scheduled program. :victory:


I have to rebut one of your facts. the forks and spoons. Most obese people don't use them because there is not enough food going into the cakehole at once. Sorry, back to your regularly scheduled program. :victory:

True, those stats are wrong (wish there was a like button for your post).
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