GXV Patagonia on the Kenworth K370 chassis


What?.... a belittling post from GR8ADV? Anyone wanna see my shocked face?
Well I apologize. I suppose I am ultra sensitive. Given our current leadership I am growing tired of mis information and ignorance. And given Idaho's roughly 60% support of the biggest offender I lumped you into that bunch. And for that I am sorry.

Now back to our regular programming thread; there is a country in North America where ULSD could be problematic and that country is Mexico. A vehicle purchase like this could be a long term investment. I think that the lack of access to ULSD in North America could be reasonably short lived as was leaded gas. Getting all the countries in Central and South America on board could take some time. So clearly if your thoughts are to overland into some of those wonderful parts of the world it will likely be a longer term problem. If not, you are golden and enjoy the benefit of a million mile chassis.


So you want to carry around 1700 lbs of fuel?

I have no plans to travel to Mexico so I won't really need to worry about carrying extra fuel if unable to find ULSD, I was referring to those who will be traveling to Mexico before they have completed the switch to ULSD.

On the other hand, if i have the opportunity to get diesel cheap somewhere I will probably take advantage of the price and buy extra fuel. If I was heading into Canada or high priced states I might fill up all 200 gallons to save money. Otherwise, I will simply keep the tanks full enough to avoid any issues with running out of fuel. With a GVWR of 33,000 lb I doubt I will ever get close to that weight no matter how much fuel I carry and I doubt the added weight would make much difference in mileage. There are surely advantages to carrying less weight but maybe not anything major.
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I have no plans to travel to Mexico so I won't really need to worry about carrying extra fuel if unable to find ULSD, I was referring to those who will be traveling to Mexico before they have completed the switch to ULSD.

You'll be missing out on the people, sights, sounds and the joy of meeting up with fellow travelers. There's rarely any ice and snow south of the border. Travelers can certainly carry as much extra fuel as they feel they need too.

The first time I put Pemex diesel in my 2015 truck, I had these visions of limping and sputtering all the way back to the border. It didn't happen, the truck purred right along. I noticed one regeneration cycle on the way down, in Arizona, none returning home.

If I were to purchase a new diesel vehicle today, I would make sure it has the ability to force a manual DPF regeneration cycle. My understanding is that Ford added what they call an OCR, 'Operator Commanded Regeneration', switch on the dash. It was/is a $250 option. Should Active and Passive DPF regeneration fail, the switch gives the operator the ability to park up and force a regeneration cycle.

The Geritol crowd have been running later model diesel trucks and RVs down into Mainland Mexico.

There's no guarantee that if a station has ULSD the signage will say so. Your looking for a black station sign out front that says "UBA" or "bajo azufre ultra". The RV crowd rumor is that, unless ALL Pemex stations carry ULSD, the current signage won't change.

If anyone have questions, fire off an email to Ted White, he's been collecting data on running later model diesels in Mexico on higher sulfur diesel. He answered all the questions i asked.
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Don't need to, that truck of yours as seen, what, 5 continents?

Now that the Unicell body as been refurbished, there's no reason it couldn't make the trip in the opposite direction.

As retirement approaches, AK, Panama and AUS are all getting brighter on the radar screen. Oh and it has also received ATW 19.5 singles and parabolic suspension. Pretty happy at this point. But let us not hijack this thread anymore than it already has...
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So you want to carry around 1700 lbs of fuel?

Just noticed your weight is a little high. 200 gal of diesel is about 1400 lb and the added weight of filling the second 100 gal of capacity would only be 700 lb so not really that much added weight on a 20,000 lb vehicle...


Just noticed your weight is a little high. 200 gal of diesel is about 1400 lb and the added weight of filling the second 100 gal of capacity would only be 700 lb so not really that much added weight on a 20,000 lb vehicle...

A liter of diesel weighs 0.8508 kilograms, or 1.8757 pounds. A U.S. gallon contains 3.79 liters. Therefore, a gallon of diesel fuel weighs 3.2245 kilograms, or 7.1089 pounds. An Imperial gallon contains 4.546 liters and weighs 3.8677 kilograms, or 8.5269 lbs.

Depends if your calculations use the weight for imperial gallons which I believe the poster used.


A liter of diesel weighs 0.8508 kilograms, or 1.8757 pounds. A U.S. gallon contains 3.79 liters. Therefore, a gallon of diesel fuel weighs 3.2245 kilograms, or 7.1089 pounds. An Imperial gallon contains 4.546 liters and weighs 3.8677 kilograms, or 8.5269 lbs.

Depends if your calculations use the weight for imperial gallons which I believe the poster used.

Very good, just to be clear, this vehicle carries 200 US gallon of fuel.


The ULSD/DEF/AddBlue thing is a real dilemma for travelers to less "developed" parts of the world. And Mexico is NOT the real test.

Its getting a bit dated now but I was in Russia and Central Asia in 2013 and noticed some of the Russian stations advertising Euro diesel. However locals I had contact with (various 4x4 clubs) told me that is was not true and that "modern European vehicles cannot use Russian diesel - we tear them apart and rebuild them"

I also met European travelers that had vehicle keep dropping into "limp" mode because of clogged DPFs

But on the other hand every city in the world has rich people who want that latest Mercedes or BMW SUV and this will eventually mean that ULSD (or the European equivalent) and DEF/AddBlue
will arrive. But it will first be in the cities.

But while Russian, Iranian and Venezuelan refineries keep producing higher sulfur fuel the problem will remain. Fuel leaves these countries for Central Asia and Norther parts of South America thats why its a problem for travelers.

More recently I was in Lima Peru and noticed signs for "low sulfur diesel", turns out this was 500ppm fuel. Did not see and ULSD, nor AddBlue - though that might have been just "did not see" rather than was "not there". I was not driving a vehicle so did not have the incentive to investigate.

I am also told that some of the European manufacturers of trucks will "re-flash" the ECU for use in countries without Euro diesel/ULSD.

Pleased to see GXV with a new forward control base for their campers. I am a fan of forward control as it makes much better use of length and wheel base. Once I get to the point of not traveling outside North America (that includes Mexico) would like a more civilized truck with a auto transmission.

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