Ron B
nice picture! I've actually been to your website and checked out your trucks, very nice.
Yes, good approach/departure, but not so hot break-over angle. I wanted to go higher, but the rock above the crack was too narrow for me to get both front wheels onto. I'll attatch another picture.
I'm really enjoying this forum and learning alot about decking vehicles out for expeditions. I'd like to pull out both back seats and make a storage cabinet/box on one side and install a fridge on the other, then I could sleep in the truck (it's 6'4" from inside door to door).
Ron B
Yes, good approach/departure, but not so hot break-over angle. I wanted to go higher, but the rock above the crack was too narrow for me to get both front wheels onto. I'll attatch another picture.
I'm really enjoying this forum and learning alot about decking vehicles out for expeditions. I'd like to pull out both back seats and make a storage cabinet/box on one side and install a fridge on the other, then I could sleep in the truck (it's 6'4" from inside door to door).
Ron B