Half ton of fun. Overlanding build starting for '04 F150


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Measured out the AquaTainers, and battery box. it will all fit, albeit the battery box will be a little snug IF I use the 2x6 recess in the bed. My plan is a segment of 2x6 I will hollow out the middle via Hole Saw and router. Basically I will be cutting out at least 3/4 of the material. Mostly interested in the ends, and having 2 effectively 2x1 cross pieces. 3/4" foam uprights, Then coat it with canvas / gripper. Yes I am building the "cabinets" and dividers with wood for stress points, and PMF over foam...

Deleted member 9101

Where plywood is to be used, may end up going that route. However in areas where PMF / foam will work, going that way specifically to reduce weight. Plywood tends to be heavy...

Yeah...marine grade is pretty dense...lol.


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Yeah...marine grade is pretty dense...lol.

IF the lumber mills / MFGs are to be trusted, by definition Marine Grade plywood is western larch OR Douglas Fir at least 5 plies, and typically pressed under pressure.

In what experience I have had the big difference was lack of voids in the plies. Same as cabinet grade. No real natural rot resistance there, so not sure what the benefit would be aside from the voids issue. And being in Texas, both of those woods would have to be imported as a completed product instead of locally produced. As long as I am not buying at the mega home improvement centers, the cabinet grade plywoods I get from my local lumber yards is locally sourced and a native pine species. Typically Southern Yellow, or Southern White pine.

Wither way to go, still needs to be used at a minimum with holes cut to it for weight reduction...

And yeah, pine is heavy. I have some small shelves and such I need to add to this thing. I WILL be using cedar for rot resistance and light weight.


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Some progress, and some forced testing.

Tropical Storm Nicholas that was supposed to make landfall down near Corpus Christi TX made landfall just south of Galveston Island as a Category 1 hurricane which was NOT anticipated. I lost power with an anxious wife for about 26 hours I would rather not go through again... Items of note.

#1. The newly received Sportsman 1000 Inverter generator is an aboslute gem. Not mega powerful, but it will run a 5K BTU window unit AC just fine. Or a fridge, fan, laptop, and battery charger, all on eco mode.
#2. I got rushed through the break in and initial oil change in less than 48 hours.
#3. The old 6.5K BTU window unit would run on the generator, but never really got cold. I could hear the compressor cycle, but it never got cold. 15 years was its upper use limit. So be it...
#4. I was not prepared for just how small exactly this generator is. I have pairs of hiking boots that take up more space.

The new GE mechanical 5K BTU unit Sams club was clearancing wouldn't get here on time, but has a stated max amp draw of 3.9, and lots of reviewers using kill a watt and other similar meters are stating 3.7 is closer to right, but refresh intervals may not tell the whole story. None the less, I ordered one as they are cheap, low power draw, and honestly massive overkill for the space to be cooled.

My Flame King refill kit, and the spare bottles came in with only one minor problem. The baggie the hardware came in was busted, and one of the funky screws they use was missing. I could get a generic replacement, but would never be able to replicate that screw head. May go to Home Depot and grab a standard flat head, put it in the center / cross position and call it good. It's just the base / leg attachment is uh.. quirky, yeah that's the word!

I have the pass through plumbing for the AquaTainer cap completed. And the 3/4" thread plugs installed. Need to remember what I did with my leftover 3/8" hose now... Need to set up the pickup.

The hurricane did some structural damage to the house. Peeled some of the old Masonite garbage siding off, and the ground is too soaked to put a ladder up so not sure what to do yet...


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Progress being made.

I have fabbed up the 110V input and distribution system. Very simple marinco input, section of old outdoor extension cord, weatherproof outdoor single gang box, GFCI outlet, and standard decora wall plate. This will not be exposed to direct weather as it will be inside the camper so we are good there. Pre assembled where I can.

I fabbed up a pickup assembly and quick connect for the aquatainers. I am suing 3/8" ID tubing.

I took off the top of one of the tanks Replaced the spigot with a 3/4 MPT x 3/8" barb nylon adapter. I addedhose, clamps and a 3/8 x 3/8 barb x MPT adapter as a pickup in the tank.

Structure of the cap addition where it clamps on. I will be going with the tailgate down used as part of the floor.

The "King Bed" will actually be a short king that will be 76x76. Basically I am going to use 2 trifold twin memory foam sofa beds for the mattress.

The next steps are going to be extending the framing to make the fill space for the tailgate, then I start working my way UP.

I am leaning HEAVILY toward a pop up design for off road clearance. I am planning simple as possible. Think wedge pop up roof so we can sit up in bed, and have full standing height to change in the camper instead of get in / out of the truck to get changed.

The 5K BTU window AC is here, tested, and it works great.

The Sportsman 1000 inverter generator is here, is tested, and works better than great.

The old Portable Buddy heater has been replaced, new filter, AND one of those wood stove fans is here and ready to go, although I need to rig attachment but I have the design ready to go.

The emergency WX radio has been optioned instead of replacing the existing CB with one that has integrated WX.

Not using the 102, but instead opting for a custom designed clamp out radio mount / lighter plug power, and a little wil antenna.


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So far I have the following, which might seem ancillary but actoually foundational for my build done...

#1. Fresh water multi tank pickup system. Basically a quick connect and lid adapter and pickup tube that moves between 4 Reliance AquaTainers for a total capacity of 28 gallons fresh drinking water..
#2. 110V pass through, and outlet. I simply need a single 2 socket outlet.
#3. As low draw as I could find, 5K BTU Window unit air conditioner.
#4. 12V power system.
#5. Lifetime 55qt cooler. SERIOUSLY considering 12v fridge of similar size. The lifetime works, but I am getting tired of dealing with making and using ice blocks.
#6. Bed front divider to retain Aqua Tainers at the front of the bed and mount for water pump.
#7. Laying out 2x2s in a rough frame for the camper shell. The king bed requirement is a huge problem. A queen would mean I could use a standard hi roof truck cap. preferrably a contactor cap and do a hi roof build similar to "The Craptor" build here on expeditionportal... Lacking that though...
#8. Comms are more or less done. 4x4 club, and everyone I off road / travel with is using CB, and I have a Realistic TRC-465 I bought new in the early 90s, will hook it up with a Lil Wil mag mount antenna. I picked up an AM / FM / SW / WX radio with 5 way power. It's effective, although SW is not full band, and is a royal pain in the tail to tune... I guess a digital tune model would have been easier to tune. Meh...
#9. I have set up the plumbing system from the input of the hot water heater, and out into the Ensuite and shower. It's all quick connectable, including the gas connection. I am set up on the gas side with a quick connect, and a steak saver to connect a 1lb bottle. I have 5 Flame king bottles at the ready.

Problems I am trying to solve for this build.

#1. Location of house battery to prevent charging offgassing from the battery being in the camper itself. Most likely under the bed of the truck outside of the frame rails as the spare tire location is filled, passenger side has the gas tank, and drivers side has a freakishly large stock muffler / exhaust...
#2. 12V fridge. Deciding on cost and features. I cannot afford an ARB, or Dometic, but am giving serious consideration to BogueRV, or Iceco, roughly 50qt models. The BogueRV model is more feature packed, the Iceco seems to be better built. Not sure. Neither has super strong customer support...
#3. Mattress cushion. No matter how I go, queen, or king it will have to be a short. I am considerng a pair of twins to make a short king like I currently do with air mattresses in the tent.
#4. Improve the battery charging system. I am currently using an old B&D Smart battery charger run off of my Sportsman 1000 Inverter generator when I need to charge the battery.
#5. Quick Disconnect / pass through for water supply that can seal off. Basically I want to be able to keep junk from getting into the water system when disconnected, and use a plain garden hose quick connect.
#6. Location and plumbing for 20LB BBQ tank. Seriously considering just hauling in the truck, but placing it outside for use. Probably the best idea considering I want to be able to use a heater in the camper if need be.

I am still fishing around for the best construction methodology that fits within my skill set. I can do a PMF foamie build, but do NOT find that to be suitable at least without some sort of framing / reinforcement. I am skilled with woodworking / carpentry, but weight, and water intrusion / rot potential has me VERY leery of using wooden framing, although the mock up I am working on right now is wood. I will likely go with some arrangmenent of an aluminum frame, riveted and soldered / alimiwelded frame, and foam walls / structure. The big question is really between PMF, I.E. canvas / gripper OR fiberglass / epoxy resin. That epoxy resin REALLY rams the price tag up, but would solve a LOT of the durability issues...

Also I am needing to design a sliding drawer system. But I also need proper storage for the portable toilet.
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Update long in coming. I have been concentrating on work, getting caught up in bills, and re-establishing my workshop that got more or less blown out.

Another item I have been concentrating on is health and mine, and my wifes weight issues, and with the progress we have had, we have decided an RV short queen works for us.

Given that, I had asked a friend of mine that is really good at finding odd "barn find stuff" as he travels a LOT for his job. He found an all aluminum 48" contractor cap with walk in doors. Flip up side panels but no windows.

Since this is a half ton truck, and I want a good amount of fresh water onboard, I need to be careful with item and fixture weights.

We've done testing, and 1/2" ply would support our weight on a roller frame, HOWEVER 3/4 with weight relief holes would be effectively stronger at the same weight. An RV short queen 5" memory foam mattress weighs in at 40lbs so good there...

I am also going to go ahead with Propane appliances as they weigh less, and are easier to use compared to liquid fueled appliances.

The PMF dividers are done electrical system bits are done, and will be installing insulation to the topper.


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This particular run at the project is scrapped. I will start a new thread with an explanation. It is not a good thing but life goes on.

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