Hi Randy,
My favorite home antenna is a doublet about 140 ft long at 60 ft, fed with ladder line and balanced tuner.
Higher power is really a requirement under some circumstances, of course. If interference level from other hams (QRM) is high, or band conditions are terrible, running some power really makes a difference. At home I have a 300W solid state linear (RM Italy HLA-300, 20W in, 300 out) that's perfect for the 20 W packsets.
BTW, even though this type 'packset' was made to be portable (but designed 30 years ago), only a dummy would carry one to the top of a mountain LOL. Military packsets are terrible for tuning around a band, too. Best if used on fixed frequencies.
Another bit of info for prospective and newer hams: for emergency communications you are much better off using an HF net than just a general 'CQ' for anyone who might answer you. There are nets on HF all the time, most bands, and with a little advance knowledge you can know where to find them. There's nothing like having 50 hams with big antennas all trying to hear you (as on the Maritime Mobile and Intercontinental Nets on 14,300).
Hi Bob,
No underestimation here, and cool setup BTW. I've logged plenty of QRP stations and have been impressed by many of them and their signal strengths. I've even looked into it many times, but putting together a station for that specific purpose just hasn't materialized. At home the 950 at 50w into the SB200 and get about 600w. I run the portable station (450at) at 100w into my homebrew sloper or inverted-v dipoles at about fifty feet using a fiberglass push-up mast.