I signed up for this forum after reading your post. This is exactly what I want to so as well. I bought a 1995 Chevy g20 conversion van around 4 months ago. It did not have a high top but I found one at a junk yard and bought it for 28 dollars! Of course it took me literally 9 hours to get it off the donor van. 8 straight the first day and then an hour the next morning. Since I live in the van, I had no place to store it while I stripped th e ceiling and cut my roof out, so right on top of the van it went, and I spent the next couple weeks cutting the original roof off FROM THE INSIDE with snips at first, then an angle grinder. Wow what a difference it made. I could stand, sorta. I have to crook my neck down but not my back or shoulders.
Still, I wish it were taller. I wish it were much taller to be honest. I wish I could put a loft over the cab with cute shelf/stairs up to it with a window.
I've been thinking, I keep my eyes peeled for the right shape, and I'm planning to take a plaster bandage mold of another vehicle to fiberglass it on top of what I already have, then do what I did with the first layer and just cut it away from the inside (or maybe before, since this is an actual plan and not an "oh wow a high top for 28 bucks, I need to devote myself to it until it's mine".
Looking forward to reading the rest of the thread! I will post my progress as well. Can't take any pics right now because I'm in Utah and it's storming and dark. Headed I think to Reno as soon as I should have left much earlier... on my way to West coast me thinks.
Anyway, glad I found something on the net too cuz I been looking for it.