Hate to do it, but I am selling our 2003 E350 Ambulance Conversion


Another price drop $28,000 OBO. If I get one more $300.00 offer from someone from craigslist I am going to lose my mind. :Wow1:


no trepidation
Nice rig.

In your ad you say you'd be willing to trade for an F250 crew cab w/ 6.0L. You might wanna rethink that.

Having owned an 99 F350 7.3L crew cab for the last 11 years, and having recently purchased an 04 short bus w/ 6.0L...I can most certainly say that I prefer the 7.3. My truck has a big cannister-style paper air filter, a straight thru BTM style muffler, and an ECM reflash (80hp) by DP Tuner. That's all the engine mods I've done...and my truck makes about 700 lb/ft of torque and has great throttle response. Been running that tune for the last 10 yrs and 100k miles. It has 260k on it now and runs like a champ. Trans is the weak point on these trucks, and I went thru hell with mine...but All Transmission in Tacoma was the shop that finally got it right; they know exactly how to build the 4R100's and make them live.

By comparision, this 6.0L in my bus is an anemic POS, with inherent design flaws in the emission controls which, if ignored...will almost certainly cause engine failure. They also have turbo failures, sensor failures, control module failures...the list goes on. 7.3L's are way less complex, and are known to routinely go far longer with fewer failures than the 6.0L that succeeded them.

If I was after another diesel truck, I'd look (and wait for) a cream-puff, low-mile 2002 or 2003 Super Duty and then take it strait to All-Transmission and have them rebuild the tranny with all the updates... and then have triple-clutch torque converter built by the guy they know out in Gig Harbor. (I had him build mine with a lower stall speed to take advantage of the extra torque I gained from the engine mods.)

Then I'd install the same Tymar-style air intake and Walker BTM 3.5" muffler, and send the ECM to DP Tuner for a reflash. ($110) These simple changes will wake that truck up and make a HUGE improvement in driveability.



Expedition Leader
Issues of the 6.0 aside, the problem with 7.3s is people that have them think they're made out of gold plated gold and demand a premium that's absolutely ridiculous. Clean, yet relatively high mileage OBS Fords with the 7.3 are routinely listed in the mid 20's.

I'm relatively certain I could buy a clean low mileage non 7.3 truck, gut the drivetrain, and put a factory crate 7.3 in it for cheaper than people want for their high mileage gold. But there's a whole bunch of kool aid drinkers out there I guess.


Expedition Leader
Another price drop $28,000 OBO. If I get one more $300.00 offer from someone from craigslist I am going to lose my mind. :Wow1:

I've just about given up selling anything on Craig's. It seems every scammer and dirt bag on the planet spend their days cruising it and making honest people miserable. Buying isn't much better because it seems the bulk of sellers are flakey borderline nut cases.

Good luck man. Too bad more people don't realize just how much better constructed rigs like this are compared to the garbage the RV industry pukes out every day.


Thanks for the replies,

Goatherder - All good points, I am very familiar with the longevity of the 7.3L powerstrokes. Outside of this rig, I had 3 other 7.3L's and one 6.0L. I know the 6.0L have there issues, but after "bulletproofing" them they seem to be very reliable. Also the money I would have to put into a 7.3L to make its sluggishness go away I would rather put that money into a 6.0L or hold out for a 6.7L. Of course, I made the mistake of test driving a 6.7L the other day and man, that thing was sweet. If the wife and I still lived in Tacoma I would have definitely taken the ambulance to the guys you recommended. After buying the ambulance and picking it up in Portland, I took it to Lakewood Ford to have them give me a punch list of issues. I took it while in uniform leading them to assume it was a government vehicle. They spent 7 hours picking it over for $49.95. They called to give me the quote and all they found was that it needed rear brakes and the #2 injector was bad. They wanted almost $4k for the repairs so I said nope, I will be by to get it. Since they assumed it was a government vehicle they assumed it was a guaranteed job. Needless to say they were a little upset how it played out. Not my problem. Thanks Lakewood Ford.

T-greening - I have had great luck buying and selling on Craigslist over the years until I listed the Ambulance. I recently got an email that simple said, "LOL@JUNK". Are people really that bored that they feel there opinion matters that much? Another guy asked if I was crazy and when onto tell me that he could buy an ambulance for $3k at auction and do all the work I did for another $4k. Obviously, he does not have a clue what a project like this costs. The inverter (if bought new) and tires almost add up to $4k.

dcguillory - Great point, I have been selling items on ebay for a few months now with great luck until recently. The items I have on there now are just sitting, not sure why. The Ambulance is listed on there, it is on its third listing. Each listing gets about 25 watchers and over 1,000 views, just no takers yet.


That was the idea, I talked to Chris a few years back about it. In the meantime I did all the fabrication work preparing to do a 4x4 conversion once done. Life and money has gotten in the way of even using it, let alone progressing with the wish list. If the tables turn and I still haven't sold it I will continue with it. It is perfect the way it is and can be used as is for years to come or its a platform that will give someone a huge head start on their project. If I was to finish the project, I would put another $20k into it. That would cover a 6.0L cab / chassis swap, new wheels and tires, lift kit, solar, and a 4x4 conversion. That would put the new owner all in for around $45,000. Find me another rig that will offer the same. Just like tgreening said, the RV industry pumps out garbage for twice the money.


Expedition Leader
You'd want to swap in a 6.0 L? For a lot less money you can swap in a new/rebuilt 7.3 or freshen up your current one. 6.0s need a pile of cash to build them into a half decent motor.


Yep, I recently saw a 2009 Ford E450 6.0L with only 121K miles for $5k. It might take up to $500 to do the swap, but afterwards you end up with a newer motor, drivetrain, suspension, electrical, etc. $5k might take care of the old 7.3L motor, but you need to think about everything else attached to the chassis. I always thought this would be a more economical way to update the rig, plus you end up with the newer, cooler looking interior. The money saved by doing the swap versus renewing the 7.3L will pay for the "bulletproofing" of the 6.0L. "Bulletproofing" a 6.0L locally costs $5k and covers everything. My uncle just had his 2006 F250 done. Ironically, I found two cab/chassis 6.0L already bulletproofed locally for $4k each about six months ago, just didn't have the means to make my move. Besides, in my own opinion, after you address the 6.0L short comings, it is a beast of a motor.


no trepidation
I like the Lakewood Ford story. I hate car dealers; I'd never take anything to a dealer for service. And if you think the Ford dealer is bad...try owning a BMW. Take THAT to the dealer for service, you might as well drop off a jar of Vaseline along with your keys.

But seriously, I don't think you can expect to get your money back out of this rig. This is the kind of thing you build for yourself and don't expect to recoup. Cool as it is, and as good as it may be... it has lots of miles on it, and it's an oddball vehicle that most financial institutions won't loan money on. So the buyer would need to pay cash...and alot of people don't have or would want to part with as much cash as you're asking. Not when they can just throw down 6 or 8k and get a loan for a used class C.

Unless you find just the right guy. Hopefully you do.


Hello Everyone and Happy Holidays,

Rig is still for sale. There has been a lot of interest recently, but no one has pulled the trigger yet. Current asking price is $18,500 OBO. Sooner or later someone will end up will a cool rig.


13 Cheeseburgers
I can't believe this hasn't sold yet. Anyone who has done a full interior build-out knows that it is 10x the work required for a 4x4 conversion. Huge value here.


I appreciate the kind words naterry. It was a lot of work to get it to where it is now. Of course with most expo rigs, the want list never stops and I had more plans for this rig, but we don't use it nor have the time to. However, this is the final price drop of the rig. I will let it go for $15,000. It is listed on eBay for $15k with only a day or so left in the auction. If I can't move it for $15k, I will hang onto it and continue modifying it with hopes we might start using it.

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