Just realized I never updated this thread after I built my front and rear carriers. These were designed for a Baja trip where we didn't want to be dragging a trailer. Worked great, aside from having to lean the rear mounted bike out to get into the camper. Only an issue at checkpoints, or when wanting a sandwich en route. I just pulled the bike off the rack whenever we stopped to set up camp. My 3 rail trailer would have got the crap beat out of it in Baja... No thanks!! I never weighed it, but the truck was probably a bit over its 9200lb gvw for this trip. It didn't complain at all, and even in the washboard, rocks, and whoops between Gonzaga and Cocoa's, it did fine. Never had any problems dragging, but we were exploring with the bikes, not the truck and camper...
Rear bumper with twin receivers for the carrier, mounts made from the original trailer hitch:

Front ARB with bike mounts bolted on. These are removable so I don't have to run them when I'm not planning to carry a bike. I wanted to use the jacking holes in the ARB, but that was too much trouble. This got the rack nice and low too.
Rear bike rack also has rack bars that I used to carry three fuel cans, a grill, our chairs, and the "poo bucket". Removed the tailgate from the truck for this trip.

Front rack just carries the bike.
Visibility over the front bike is fine. We followed a very strict NO NIGHT DRIVING policy, so headlight blockage not really a concern. With turn signals on the truck and front bumper, it was no problem to see them from any direction. (Turn signals in Baja??)
We've used this setup for several more trips after Baja. We carried my wife's bike on the rear rack a few years ago for a trip through the Tetons, Yellowston, and Glacier. Nice to have the extra storage under the camper, and a runabout bike once we get camp set up without having to drag a dang trailer. The rear rack also works as a nice step to get into the camper, so we can leave the folding step at home. Yes, I've dragged the rear rack a few times, but not as much as you'd think. We've never touched the front rack to anything that I can recall.
Hope this inspires some of you to get your setups together, it's certainly worked great for us!!
BTW, Baja is a
terrible place to visit. I don't recommend this trip to anyone!!