As the title states we haven't backpacked since the mid 70's and now upon my retirement we are getting back into it. Just to get ourselves ready for our next trip, we go out every other day and hike, fully loaded, at least 3 miles of rough terrain. And I'll tell you, it feels great !! I do have an equipment question... We have a Dragonfly stove and I'm thinking the very best way to carry the fuel pump is to leave it in the bottle. I carry the bottle on the outside of the pack and it seems to me that it is safer in the bottle there, then out of the bottle in a zip lock, in the MSR sack... It certainly keeps the smell and the mess of dribbling fuel at 0%.. I've done it both ways, ( removed the pump and into the bag ) but it seems to be more of a PITA than just leaving it in the bottle... Any opinions on this, pros/cons would be appreciated.. thanks !