Same boat. I'm an infantry guy in USMC. Ditto on the field part and going outdoors on the weekend. Difference is you can have a fire, beer, be with wife and kids and enjoy nature vice making sure security is set. Like you I think it's also important to teach my kids about the great outdoors.
I'm going to be getting a new dog soon to take with us camping. It'll help me sleep at night and provide limited early warning. Think of it as my OP who is also part of the family.
I'm in Northern Va. Just PCSed here. If you need to get together for coffee or something PM me. We all work through our "stuff" in different ways. Moving to a large Metro area is an adjustment for me. Definitely forcing me to deal with "stuff" I didn't have to out in the Mojave desert.
Welcome to DC, if you're ever looking to hit the trails or come have a beer come find us at the Mid-Atlantic Overland Society on facebook.