I have a 96 tacoma 2.7 which I had the engine rebuilt about 26k miles ago. It has ran like a top ever since then with absolutely NO issues at all...until over Thanksgiving Holiday while driving down the interstate probably around 2200 RPM, I down shifted to go up a hill. (around 3000 rpm) and as soon as I started to press the gas I heard a slapping sound from the motor. I immediately pulled off the next exit which was luckily right near me. I could tell that it was coming from just under the valve cover. After removing the head I expected to find a bad valve/ spring/seat or all the above. The only thing I could find was a blown head gasket between the 1st and 2nd cylinders. I took the head to get reworked and have all the valves checked for issues and I also took the gasket to the guy doing the work for me (very respected mechanic /machinist). When the work was completed he told me that everything looked ok inside and the only issue found was where the head gasket blew there was a low spot in the head. He also told me that the sound that I heard was probably the sound of the valves slapping shut because of the 2 cylinders fighting each other (due to the blown gasket). While I am relieved that there wasn't any major damage done to the head I am still concerned at why the head gasket would've blown this soon after a rebuild. I baby this truck as much as possible considering it is my overlanding rig and is not a DD. IS IT POSSIBLE THAT I COULD'VE HAD A FAULTY HEAD GASKET SINCE THE REBUILD? What are your thoughts?
Here is a picture of the gasket and block:

Here is a picture of the gasket and block: