Headlight Modulator


I'm considering installing a headlight modulator. Being safe means being seen and I keep myself and my gear reflectorized and brightly colored for that purpose. I regularly see a Goldwing with modulating headlight on my morning commute and have observed him regularly get a rearview mirror "double take" from motorists. I would like to enhance my presence with traffic without subscribing to the loud pipes save lives school of thought.

What are everyone's impressions and experiences with headlight modulators on your motos? Does anyone have favorable or unfavorable reviews of a certain product offering? Beginning my research.


Kodiak Buckaroo
I used one back in the day when I was motorcycle commuting in the 'big city' (LA hwy 405-101). Great, most cage drivers thought that it was a motor-cop or electrical problems. Either way, it got their attention, so added to safety.
I don't used one anymore, since my current bike's headlight is HID, and they are not 'compatible'. But I do use the mod for my brakelight that has it blink fast, then on, when applied. Happy with that safety mod also.


it got their attention, so added to safety.

Sounds like you were satisfied. What unit did you use? Was your bike a dual lamp or dual element?

I have been running an LED tail light/brake light that flashes five bright pulses before it holds too. It throws more light than the sealed bulb it replaced, I feel good about it bringing up my rear.


Expedition Leader
Unqualified endorsement of front headlight and rear brake light applications.

I could not begin to count the number of times they have saved our lives. Especially the headlight application.


Expedition Leader
I like the flashing tail light but not the headlight. I went with the HID headlight with a super bright white light. After it was installed my riding partner said I dont know if you can see better but it will save your life. The color and brightness is very noticeable from a long distance.


Being a moto guy, I can't stand the headlight modulators... I think they are very distracting, so much so that in my experience they cause more harm than good. Cagers don't need any more distractions; phones, food, smokes, gps, stupidity, etc... seem to be more than most can handle ;) I prefer to be "invisible" and I just ride KNOWING that I am not going to be seen by anyone...


Likes to Drive and Ride
I have tailblazer on my GS and really like how it starts blinking fast, then slowly decreases and then stops. I agree with the two gentlemen above who don't care for the headlight modulators. Even as a motorcyclist I find them distracting & annoying to the point of being unsafe. I think the only people who should be running such a set-up are emergency vehicles.

While I'm certainly in favor of 'being seen' by cars, I think the best way to stay as safe as possible on a moto is to develop truly superior skills, both physical control of bikes and that of reading traffic. Positioning, avoidance (not emergency avoidance, avoiding being in a place of danger before the near-miss) and constant analysis helps tremendously to give one the best opportunity to survive. Surely there are the total T-bone blind-sides that we can't avoid, but many situations can be seen developing and often avoided, just as with 4-wheels or more. In my opinion these level of skills are The Way.

All of that said, I'm not a total safety nut, and have been known to ride in a slightly spirited manner. ;


Expedition Leader
So Doug, is there a model you prefer? I will be installing on to a H7 high beam.

We selected the following when we built our GS back in 2003. They are both still working after seeing quite a bit of the world.

- Kisan Pathblazer Headlight Modulator This device flashes the high beam during daylight hours. Oncoming drivers will notice you and be less inclined to turn left in front of you.

- Hyper-Lite Brake Light This device adds very bright LEDs and flashing to your brake light. Increases your visibility to following drivers. As someone who has been rear-ended on a motorcycle lacking this device, the Hyper-Lite has my full endorsement.


Expedition Leader
I find them distracting & annoying

I think they are very distracting,

With all due respect, that is the point. The high beam modulator exists to attract the attention of other drivers. Especially the ones who will (not would - will) otherwise turn left in front of you or pull out in front of you:

I think the best way to stay as safe as possible on a moto is to develop truly superior skills, both physical control of bikes and that of reading traffic. Positioning, avoidance (not emergency avoidance, avoiding being in a place of danger before the near-miss) and constant analysis helps tremendously to give one the best opportunity to survive.

I am in violent agreement that no amount of farkles, options or doo-dads will ever be better than this.

I have, however, long lost count of the number of cars, buses, trucks, scooters, motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians, etc. who were beginning to make all the wrong moves you recognize with the skills and techniques outlined above, but stopped, because they saw our flashing high beam headlight.

Surely there are the total T-bone blind-sides that we can't avoid

This is exactly what I'm talking about. And we've avoided plenty up to now, not due to my riding skills, but because the other drivers/riders saw a pulsing high beam.

I've ridden many a mile with no high beam modulator, domestically and overseas, and many, many miles with one in those same venues.

I highly, highly recommend them.

I am also prepared to agree to disagree with those who don't.


I appreciate everyone's thoughts and inputs on modulators. After careful consideration I have decided to purchase and install one. I am intrigued with the idea of being more visible to inattentive drivers. Redlines advice to develop superior handling and anticipation skills is spot on but is a quest we'll never call completed. Adding a device to work in tandem with good rider skills seems like a good way of hedging the bet...since the stakes are so high.


Here's my 0.02...

I live in Portland, Oregon, a city overflowing with bicycles and motorcycles. I currently do not own a motorcycle (but, am always looking on craigslist!) therefore I either ride my bicycle, drive my truck or take public transportation around town. On my bicycle I use flashing (modulating) front and rear lights. I do this because I feel that as both a cyclist and a driver they are WAY more noticeable than regular headlights. When I'm driving there are times when I can barely see someones headlight or tail light on their bicycle when they are non-flashing. I always see the lights that flash though and often I see them from a much farther distance away. From both sides of the perspective, to me it is much, much safer to use the modulating lights because they almost force people to be aware of your presence. I think that you should buy them for sure. They're not a solution to idiots on the road, but at least you can try to make folks aware of you and hopefully that will lessen the chance of any accidents.

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