Headlight Modulator


Likes to Drive and Ride
With all due respect, that is the point. The high beam modulator exists to attract the attention of other drivers. Especially the ones who will (not would - will) otherwise turn left in front of you or pull out in front of you:

Yes it does exist for that reason, but the point I was trying to make (and maybe the other guy too?) was that it goes beyond getting my attention and goes to the next level as a distraction. For example, on several occasions I have initially noticed a 'headlight modulator' moto but then have continued to be distracted by the flashing headlight. Meaning I've given the moto too many seconds of my attention at the expense of other traffic that I should have already gone back to scanning. Locking-on any one object or vehicle for too long while moving is bad in my opinion.

I am in violent agreement that no amount of farkles, options or doo-dads will ever be better than this.

I have, however, long lost count of the number of cars, buses, trucks, scooters, motorcycles, bicycles, pedestrians, etc. who were beginning to make all the wrong moves you recognize with the skills and techniques outlined above, but stopped, because they saw our flashing high beam headlight.

Yes, I've also lost count of the number of collisions I've avoided (about 150k+ on motos), and surely some/many of them were avoided because I was seen by the other person. However, there have been countless others that have been avoided due to my skill and attention, were the other person didn't see me or react until it was much too late, if at all, and my corrective action stopped the dominoes from falling far before it was a close-call.

On a skills note, I'll give a plug to David Hough's book Proficient Motorcycling. Though already a skilled and experienced rider when I first picked up this book many years ago, I read it cover to cover and have often used it as an instructional aid to share concepts with newer riders. I don't agree with everything he says, and have modified a few lessons, but in general I think it's a great book.

This is exactly what I'm talking about. And we've avoided plenty up to now, not due to my riding skills, but because the other drivers/riders saw a pulsing high beam.

I've ridden many a mile with no high beam modulator, domestically and overseas, and many, many miles with one in those same venues.

I highly, highly recommend them.

I am also prepared to agree to disagree with those who don't.

Not exactly what I meant, when I said unavoidable, I mean something like some idiot ripping out of a blind alley without any care (building blocking the view for both) when you are almost in front of them and they run into the side of a moto, bicycle rider, or pedestrian, never seeing them because of the blocked view and not slowing/stopping to look as they should. They would hit a car if it was there too in this example, no headlight or anything else can prevent this, only the careless idiot driver could have.

My goal is not to be the strong voice against the modulators, though I don't have and don't care for them, I certainly agree with the idea of being seen and using a headlight for that purpose....

Going the other direction to make a point and agree with you, I've ridden many thousands of miles on old motorcycles without 'always ON' headlights, nor the electrical systems to support such use (classic British). I've also ridden on modern motos that had european headlight switches that allowed riding with the headlight off. In both cases, whenever possible, I was always a strong proponent of riding with the headlight ON to assist being seen. It truly helps and surely the flashing headlight helps too, even if I don't care for it.

I'll call this agreeing to agree Mr. Hackney :)



I don't have a real expedition-type bike, other than the long, winding road type of expedition. I've got a V Star 1300 cruiser that I am putting some serious highway miles on.
Right now I've got the stock halogen headlamp, and I don't know if it's stock or a mod, but my brakes flash a few times when I put them on.
Would you experienced riders recommend an HID conversion or modulator for safety? My headlight on low isn't super bright for night riding, but it works. I'm guessing HID would be brighter at night. But I'm more interested in more safety during the day as this is when I'm doing most of my riding.
I'm giving serious thought to the hyperlite brake lights as well.
Austin is a seriously scary place to drive/ride and I am not yet ready to die.
Thanks for your advice.


Expedition Poseur
If your concern is being seen by others, I'd suggest adding a modulator.

If your concern is seeing better at night, I'd suggest either upgrading to HID on the low beam (leave the high beam alone - HID takes too long to start up, so it eliminates your ability to 'flash' your high beam via a modulator, or manually), or add a set of driving lights.

I have a set of Warn HID driving lights on my BMW (the small version - about 2" diameter). They are absolutely incredible on the open and deserted roads. Not so great if you are around traffic (too much light in too big of a pattern - you just can't get them aimed low enough to not blind oncoming traffic).


I have a modulator coming in the mail.
I bought an LED brakelight and I'll see what kind of difference it makes. It was fairly inexpensive, so if I don't like it, I'll just put the other bulb back in.
I also have a Hyper-Lite LED brake/running light system coming in the mail.
I've been looking at driving lights also, but my discretionary budget is tapped out for the time being. So hopefully the flashy lights will suffice for now.
Very interesting, the comments regarding modulators. Even at the local bike shops here in Austin (Woods, Central Texas Powersports, Cycle Gear) people were universally negative. "They are so annoying." "People do that on purpose?" So I didn't give their parts departments my business and ordered the parts from Amazon.
I feel compelled to state that I didn't go to Lone Star BMW/Triumph, though. They have always been exemplary, even to a heathen who rides a Yamaha instead of their fancy stuff.
Once I get all the parts installed, I'll share my observations.


I thought I would give everyone an update, I installed a modulator. I am "all in" on these as a safety device. You can tell from the reactions of traffic around me that they are taking notice of me...just as I hoped. I can't help but feel that it is getting the attention of some percentage of inattentive motorists. The cost of the Kisan modulator was a hard pill to swallow at $169.00 but that is less than half the cost of an ambulance ride without the pain involved.


I agree. I've put quite a few miles on since installing mine and it definitely gets noticed. Well worth the relatively low price.


The cost of the Kisan modulator was a hard pill to swallow at $169.00 but that is less than half the cost of an ambulance ride without the pain involved.

FAR, FAR less than half. Took an ambulance ride 13 years ago, 7 miles, cost $1400.

Thanks for posting a reply, I've been thinking about one of these myself.


If this worked, this is the modulator on my V Star 1300 just after I installed it.
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Strange - it works on all 3 of my computers. It's a link from Facebook - maybe you have that blocked or something?


IS your facebook videos set to public? I bet it works for you and for friends, but not non-friends. The error I see says that the video is no longer available or is not viewable due to security settings.


Ah - I'll check that. I'm blocked from work, but I will check when I get home. Thanks - I didn't know about that.

Edit - I just changed the settings - hopefully it will be visible now.
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Expedition Leader
Count me in the no headlight modulator camp. Like the other poster, I think they're distracting to other driver's who tend to fixate on them. I use the Piaa high vibration type bulbs in both bikes and find them bright enough. That said, I do use a set of Hyperlights brake lights on both bikes. My usual helmet is white (rated most visible to drivers in several polls I've seen) and I wear a Scorpion Master in hi-viz most of the time (depending on the weather; I've got several jackets). I also have 3M reflective tape on both bikes and an extra set of lights on the Strom. While I enjoy it, I try to avoid riding at night as much as possible due to the number of deer we have.


I use a signal dynamics on my Harley Road king and have one on my GS.
To give you an idea of how well these work. Have had 4 people pull over thinking I was a cop.
Had a cop pull me over and ask where he could get one.
Just remember at about $100 it's worth 100 x that and $100 is way less then the copay at the ER!

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