Headlight replacement MORE LIGHT


i have a 2001 Ford E350 SMB

due to global warming, the ozone layer
bad public works and Obamanomics
i dont see as well at night :sombrero:

reccomendations to replace headlights
reccomendations for street legal in California auxillary lights

do i just pop in a new bulb?
if so, which one?
blue, white??
aux lights, are they worth it?

thanx in advance



I've used nothing but Hella bulbs along with extra relays for the last 25 years and have been very happy with them. I think I'm using 90/110 watt bulbs on the Toyota (It gets very little on road use), and 60/100 watt bulbs on the Subaru and Van. Wa. allows the use of higher watt bulbs than the standard 45/55 bulbs that are mandatory in the rest of the country, the brighter lights don't distract oncoming cars as long as they're adjusted correctly and I don't find them as anoying as the new light as cars.
I tried the blue bulbs once and didn't like them at all, after about a month I switched back to white and stuck with them.
I haven't found the need for aux lights on the road after switching to the Hella bulbs, the sealed beam conversions give much more light on the side of the road, and the 9000 series on the Subaru are bright enough so I've never added them. Having uncovered aux lights is illegal in many states having improved headlights help skirt this law as long as the lenses have a DOT approval.


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mod-express.com HID conversion, under $100, straight plug in conversion, double the light, less electrical draw. I have done this on the last 4 rigs with no issues, and if I wasnt going to convert the front clip onmy 1997 to the 08+ I'd do them on this one too. I WILL do them on the new headlights once the new clip is installed.


Posted this here and smb forum

have suggested:

replacement bulbs plug and play

replacement bulbs with new ballast

replacement bulbs w/ new ballast and new wire

now we have the added clear lens

also there is a consultant that is gonna spec out a system

me thinks:
new lens
new hd wire
and some bulb choice

will advise


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