Heat Pal cooker/heater

Dave Bennett

Generally speaking, if there is adequate ventilation burning alcohols produce only water vapor and carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide (unsafe) is only produced if there is not enough oxygen-supply for complete combustion. The denatured alcohol has a warning label regarding ventalation, always play on the safe side get a carbon monoxide monitor with battery back up...

Supposedly odorless (think fondue pot at a restaraunt), which along with no requirement for pressurized storage like propane makes it a top choice for fuel and is widely used in the marine industry for cooking/heating.


The "alcohol" that we drink is ethanol (C2H5OH). Denatured alcohol is basically ethanol that has been rendered "undrinkable," usually, by adding something to it that makes it poisonous, but doesn't mess up its other properties too much (ie. you can still burn it). A typical additive is methanol (CH3OH), which is just another alcohol.

Methyl hydrate is methanol. Here is a wikipedia page on using it as a fuel:


"Methanol is also a widely used fuel in camping and boating stoves. Methanol burns well in an unpressurized burner, so alcohol stoves are often very simple, sometimes little more than a cup to hold fuel. This lack of complexity makes them a favorite of hikers who spend extended time in the wilderness."
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I have used one of these to heat a backcountry hut in Tasmania. It is a pretty cool device, and I like the simplicity, and the ease in transporting the fuel in bottles. However they don't put out all that much heat, maybe enough for a smaller and well insulated camper in mild temperatures, but not enough for a 4 bunk hut in below freezing temps! They also require considerably more fuel to produce the same amount of heat due to the lower energy density of ethanol or methanol compared to propane. If you don't have a 'commodity' source of fuel, such as a as station with ethanol, buying denatured alcohol is quite expensive. I also don't think they are that much safer than a propane based heater, they will produce CO under the same circumstances as a propane heater,and the fuel is spillable and burns with an invisible flame.

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