Both times we hit dear were not off-road, but on pavement! Way more dangerous in my opinion as you are moving faster. One of the deer was hit on Smokey Bear Road near Gorman right at Dusk and the other was outside of Bridgeport CA early in ther morning going fishing. Deer are not just in far away locals, but near by SoCal too.
Another thing to consider are cows. If you travel up and down 395 look at how many cows are next to the freeway you can and imagine how many you can't see. Four of our friends hit a cow on 395 about 10 years, killed 3 of them when the cow came through the windshield. Yes in a car, but... A bumper can help, not always, but many times.
Yes they can look a bit poser at times, but if the winch mounted to it gets you unstuck, or the bad driver makes the left in front of you or the one trying to parallel park saves you're front end, why not?