Ive seen people use PVC pipe drilled out to accept the feet to distribute weight across a larger area. That way it rolls up and stores in same bag, pain them black if you wish
have not seen anything ? that link are larger nylon balls ? get them drill them ? the new sunset legs are larger so golf balls wont workbut the golf balls have worked awesome on our regular chairs
I am sure knock offs will be coming for the cotsknowing how much nicer the chairs are than other chairs still
kinda wonder if the cots will be not quite as nice also ?
Ive seen people use PVC pipe drilled out to accept the feet to distribute weight across a larger area. That way it rolls up and stores in same bag, pain them black if you wish
AML, Is the High Cot stable in spite of the length of the legs? Does it feel like it can support your weight solidly even when you move around on it? The setup appears to be as easy as the Cot One, since the legs are all attached together.
I agree that 26" isn't wide enough for a luxury cot. Yup, they'll probably make a wide version next year and it will probably cost $500!
Backcountry Edge has it for $300 right now. I won't pay that much. I have $450 in Helinox products already (all bought on sale). I'm guessing that resale of these products on Craigslist could be difficult if I wanted to upgrade.