Hello from Alaska


Pictures at last

OK, I have the camera, Photobucket account, the instructions, ect.... and I can finally post. I am going into Canada on Friday heading up to Whitehorse in the Yukon Territory after spending some around the Teslin / Ross River area. I will take pictures along the way and post when I return middle of next week. Except for the Old Man Emu suspension, this Trooper is pretty much stock but it's been a few places already and I will try to outline, in pictures, what I do to get ready for a one thousand mile extended weekend trip.

Till then,



Just a few pictures of my recent trip into Canada.


This was getting ready to leave Juneau Alaska on Friday 01-26-07 and, of course, had to top off the oil.



Canada border high above Skagway. I carried 5 gallons of gas (legal limit) into Canada to avoid the $4.00 + per gallon prices encounter along the way.


Caracross Yukon Territory roughly 40 miles into Canada and the staging point of deciding if you are heading north or sounth along the Alaska Highway. Very nice place with good services for people and vehicles, and they always seems to be open.


Teslin Yukon Territory, located about 150 miles from Skagway. Population roughly 500 hundred very nice people. Stayed here overnight as the temps fell well below zero at night so sleeping in the vehicle was a last resort on this trip.


The Canol road was in perfect condition and with a couple more days, I suspect we could have driven it's entire length (500 road miles ending with the starting point for the 244 mile Canol Road Heritage Trail) without any problems. As it was, we traveled towards the city of Ross River, Yukon Territory and saw some beautiful country along the way. After lunch, we headed back on the Canol road towards our next stop, Whitehorse, YT.


The city of Whitehorse has everything the province has in the way of goods and services. Also has the most affordable gas at $3.80 a gallon so we purchased enough to get us back to Skagway, a distance of 110 miles along excellent roads. Like everything else on this trip, the weather was outstanding.

In summary, we did and saw everything planned and if time has allowed, we would have traveled into the city of Ross River as well. In total we traveled roughly 600 miles in three days and the decision to stay in Teslin an extra day meant the planned 1000 mile trip was reduced. We spend $100 dollars Canadian en route and the Ferry transport costs an additional $130 US dollars. The exchange rate is a non issue anymore as our dollars are worth about the same on the world market.

If you take a trip like this to the place described, pack for own food (as we did) carry as much gas as you can and refill in the major cities only. Use the Alska Ferry system during the winter months. It;s affordable and adds a unique experience to your adventure. Plan ahead and use local B&B's rather than the chain hotels / motels and don't get locked into a tight schedule as weather, local events and a host of other cirumstances can and will change your plans from day to day. Trying to fight this fact of life in the Yukon Territiry, will make you personally miserable and publically unpopular with the laid back people along the Alaska Highway.


Post Script

I should mention that the Trooper ran great throughout the trip. I suspect the milage ran betweenn 17 and 19 per gallon but haven't topped of the tank yet to get the finall numbers. Oil usage does increase in cold weather so be sure to check the level after 3-500 miles. over those 600+ miles, mine burned 1.5 quarts and this is well above the normal rate here in mild Juneau. Despite this, the engine and drivetrain ran strong and smooth. Also started well in the cold temps of Teslin.


Spamicus Eliminatus

Great posts! You are getting me so excited... I am planning on going up from Calgary to Prudhoe Bay this August. I'm working on the route right now and trying to shove it all into just 3 weeks!

If you have any suggestions of great roads I would love to hear it. I haven't heard of Canol road so I am going to start researching that one...



AKTrooper, those guards at the Fraser crossing are hit or miss in terms of pleasantness, They are far from everything and get bored, so if they do not know you they can make it tough. Sorry you had a hard time with them.
I'll bet you had no problem at the Skagway, US customs down the hill, those guys have always been great, I love the fact that the two stations are so far apart, nowhere to go in the no-mans-land in between.

Thanks for the photos! I used to live in Skagway, so it is nice to see the old stomping grounds. Grey Mountain in Whitehorse is really cool, and in the summer the mountain biking trails that run down it are incredible.


Road suggestions

Much depends on where your coming into Canada from in the states. If Washington State was the starting point, then I would be sure to take the Cassiar Hwy heading north then stick to the Campbell highway and Klondike Loop road leading into AK. Then travel the Taylor down to Tok then head north towards the Dalton that will be your only chioce heading to the North Slope. These are not superhighways and gravel / dust will be part of the adventure if you choose these routes. Give yourself more time and pack accordingly.


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