Yeah, its hard when we cant get good stuff imported. DOT and EPA requirements are not that different than europe, but testing to conform is not cheap, and most European companies won't go through the cost for the risk. The agencies in question have zero flexibility on imports, either it meets spec provably, or it doesn't.
The reality is that if the EPA didn't enforce the rules rigorously, People would import smoke belching stuff from the third world (in large quantities). If DOT didn't enforce safety standards, people would buy cheaper model cards (Nissans for example) sold in mexico. The difference in crash safety is amazing, with 200lbs less metal in a Nissan sedan sold in Mexico, no airbags, ABS etc. If big auto had their ideal, they would still be selling noxious fume belching deathtraps from 60+ years ago. All things said, the NA auto market is pretty varied, and costs are reasonable.
There is a decent middle ground here though. Canada for example with the 15 year rule. Or maybe a method to do an abbreviated emissions test on imports?
The other issue is that the NA market simply does not know what its missing. Many traditional RVers I meet are amazed that our van is 4 season capable, has convenient diesel heat, lightweight, etc.
In much of Europe space is at a premium, and creative and refined designs are the norm, we are spoiled in much of NA with large homes, cheap materials, and inexpensive fuel.
The other side of this conundrum is that the rest of the world simply doesn't have the huge variety of cheap consumer goods we have (amazon anyone?). There are no wrangler jeans or big pickup trucks in europe.