Help Please! 2003 Disco Will Not Run

Ok, it will turn over just fine, and will fire with a squirt of ether, but will not run. Fuel pressure is about 40 psi. What should it be?

Any guidance is appreciated! I really like this thing, but have sure had a lot of trouble with it.

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David Harris

Expedition Leader
40 psi is low for a D2. The fuel pressure should be 50 PSI, and is regulated by a fuel pressure regulator built into the fuel pump assembly located under the cargo space floor. There is a hatch under the carpet there to access it. If your truck will fire briefly on ether then I would look at the fuel pump, especially considering the 40 PSI you're getting.



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Not Running is their natural state.

It sounds like the fuel pump, I think the nominal PSI is 115 at the rail, and it is a VERY common failure. I'll check the FSM right quick for the right specs and reply on here. Mine went out four times in the time I owned it. Luckily its an easy fix if you do it yourself, the trapdoor is in the back under the carpet. I would of course check for obstructions, or voltage AT the pump before you tear into all that, but its likely the culprit. You have the FSM right?

Post up what happens, or any further RFIs.


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The FSM specs 52 PSI as the nominal, it will throw an error code readable by any cheap OBDII reader if the pressure is below threshold.
Ok! I knew I could get help here! I am not a mechanic, and this is my first LR, so I am at a disadvantage.

We will check on the fuel pump in the morning.

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FSM is the Field Service Manual? No, I have nothing but the owners manual. Where can I get the books? Thought about ordering a Chiltons guide.

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David Harris

Expedition Leader
FSM is the Field Service Manual? No, I have nothing but the owners manual. Where can I get the books? Thought about ordering a Chiltons guide.

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Send me a private message with your email and I'll send you a pdf of the Factory Service Manual (known as the RAVE) for your vehicle.


красный октябрь
Yeah I have it on my DropBox, if you have any issues getting it, let me know, I will shoot you my link.

The thing with the Disco II is that sometimes, seemingly unrelated system failures, will cause the vehicle to simply not run. We had a sensor that controls the AC vent bypass fail once, and the truck wouldnt shift into OD. Chasing that down was absurd. I would start with getting the error codes read, if you dont have an OBD reader, run it to an Autozone or equal and get them to read the codes, then bounce them off the google, or the FSM.


Where are you located? Please update your profile as there may be some local ExPo members or LR club members who can help.
Thanks for the link guys. I will download it this evening. And I will update the profile here in a few. I'm in extreme East Tennessee. Have a couple buddies with Discos and one has a Series truck as well. I bought mine last fall, been down though, head gasket and now the fuel pump.

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I agree. I will probably throw one in the toolbox when we get it running again. My fuel pump should be here Friday. Maybe get to drive it this weekend!

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