It doesn't matter that, that vid was in Australia. It was an example of the muddy roads I drive on every weekend. Did you think I was from Oz? Did you think that there's no mud over here?
-Wet grassy fields
-silty and slick river crossings
-soft beaches (not that packed down Daytona cake)
-hunting in the winter
-flooded roads, flooded park roads
-ice and snow on any uphill
-tight turns in deep snow with a heavy crusty icy top layer.
Once you sink in, and start dragging your front diff, it's over. Trucks with too much weight on their nose sink in and get stuck first. If off road use is a must, but towing BIG isn't, go gas. Save 1000# on your front axle. We see this all the time. Big trucks struggling, F150's coasting right on by. It's one of the reasons why I'm not adding a 300# front bumper and 100+# winch to the nose of my truck.
If you're stuck deciding between gas SUV's and a PW, thinking about a diesel is a major mistake. Unless you plan on towing 2 jeeps and hauling a camper, in the future?
The conditions here vary wildly...we are mostly high desert, but when it rains the mud is something else, it is like brick mortar and wet clay. Then toss in snow and ice during the winter. Come spring with the snow gets gnarly out there.
Right now in the desert it has been dry we are getting silt beds in heavy traffic areas. When it starts raining...that is when it turns to brick mortar.
Then head up into the mountains...completely different ball game. We have so many dirt back roads and trails...can damn near travel the whole state without touching pavement. Which is fine by me!