Newby here trying to get some help from you guys. I recently purchased a Skamper with a damaged roof and pulled the trigger on fixing it myself. I already removed the entire roof and in the process of reconstructing it. The roof is "almost" (feels like never ending) done, but I'm thinking a bit ahead and trying to figure it out what's the best way to mount it back.
As many of these campers, the corner brackets that holds the lift system to the roof is a huge issue. Seems like, specially when it gets wet, this brackets go right thru the roof. I'm guessing this happens because of lack of support on the side wood structures AND because these brackets have a certain angle to them?!
My first question is actually that: These corner brackets suppose to have an angle?! I would think they should be flat 90 degrees angle to hold the roof evenly. Mine seems to have a slightly angle when its all the way down, AND (most interesting) they twist while I lift it up. Here is a Dropbox link for pictures and videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tbxxqd38g9w6xie/AAAFmHvqGheQCQQza1A8gVxZa?dl=0
I have seem other people putting a metal bar attached to the wood and the brackets to help the support. Which I will do that but before, I need to understand why these brackets move when lifting AND why aren't they in a flat 90 degrees angle?! My first idea/impression would be remove the torsion bar (I'm guessing that's what it makes them twist) and attached the corners somehow to the outer tube, but I'm not an engineer, so here I am..
On top of that, seems like the right side is a bit lower than the left side when it's all the way down. I'm not sure if that's how it should be or not.
Any help will be greatly appreciate it.

Newby here trying to get some help from you guys. I recently purchased a Skamper with a damaged roof and pulled the trigger on fixing it myself. I already removed the entire roof and in the process of reconstructing it. The roof is "almost" (feels like never ending) done, but I'm thinking a bit ahead and trying to figure it out what's the best way to mount it back.
As many of these campers, the corner brackets that holds the lift system to the roof is a huge issue. Seems like, specially when it gets wet, this brackets go right thru the roof. I'm guessing this happens because of lack of support on the side wood structures AND because these brackets have a certain angle to them?!
My first question is actually that: These corner brackets suppose to have an angle?! I would think they should be flat 90 degrees angle to hold the roof evenly. Mine seems to have a slightly angle when its all the way down, AND (most interesting) they twist while I lift it up. Here is a Dropbox link for pictures and videos: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/tbxxqd38g9w6xie/AAAFmHvqGheQCQQza1A8gVxZa?dl=0
I have seem other people putting a metal bar attached to the wood and the brackets to help the support. Which I will do that but before, I need to understand why these brackets move when lifting AND why aren't they in a flat 90 degrees angle?! My first idea/impression would be remove the torsion bar (I'm guessing that's what it makes them twist) and attached the corners somehow to the outer tube, but I'm not an engineer, so here I am..
On top of that, seems like the right side is a bit lower than the left side when it's all the way down. I'm not sure if that's how it should be or not.
Any help will be greatly appreciate it.