Help with self build in ontario


Active member
Does anyone know how to get thru the red tape of safety certification and insurance in ontario ? Considering welding up and installing a subframe myself and installing it on a fuso chassis then installing a box on top. Curious to know if anyone can share how they got insurance and safety certification if you DIY rather than use a truck builder. Thanks in advance


our current build is in a van. The insurance is not very cooperative about insuring the inside and upgrades, it needs to be apraised by a certified apraiser but cant find any in the area, and they wont provide a list... thinking of contacting different insurance companies. we used to live in Quebec and it was much easier.

our next build is most likely going to be a box on either a Fuso or a 1 ton truck. I would love to have it removable kind of like a flatbed setup however i want a steps inside the camper so the flatbed would look funny but whatever.... the very little information I have found online is making me want to go the body builder way for at least the shell, and then build the inside. I cant seem to find good documentation or inspection requirements for safety checks and what is allowed and whats not.

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