expeditionswest said:
great looking Frontier! Welcome to ExPo.
How are the coil-overs working out? I know Mark (articulate) is looking at a set.
We have lots of members in So Cal (I was born there). Hope to see you on an adventure soon!
Thanks Scott. The c/o's are great.
articulate said:
Hi Jay,
This is cool. Thanks for posting up, that's a beautiful truck you have.
How long have you had the radflos? I understand that PRG is changing them up and only offering an internal reservoir unit. Would love your take on the set up you have.
Also, what are you using on the rear suspension? The choices out there aren't very inspiring . . . yet.
Welcome! :jumping:
I have had the radflo's for about 6 months now. I believe i was one of the last one to buy the c/o's with the external resi from Greg. There are two reasons on why I believe he stopped selling the model i have. First: The resi hose used to contact the tires at full lock. It is now fixed but the tire size will be limited to a 285/75/16. But as you probably already know thats the biggest tire possible at the mean time for our trucks. W/O a bodylift or some cutting of course. lol. Secondly, the price is now lowered by $200 which is more appealing and the amount of work (i.e. no need to weld the resi mounts on) is reduced.
For the rear I am currently running add-a-leafs, and longer shocks (Bilstein), which PRG also carries. Although the AAL's tend to shift on the driver side. I'm now debating whether I want to spend the money on alcan springs or wait until we have more choices out there for lifts thus reducing money spent on different set-ups. lol.
Overall, I'm happy with the ride. Way better than the Nismo spec Bilsteins I previously had. If your going to go this route though, I would suggest to get the 800# eibachs instead of the typical 650# Greg uses. The ride will be stiffer but it should prevent any sagging up front even with a winch and a steel bumper. *The 650# should be adequate. I have seen an Xterra with a wincher bumper set-up with no reported sagging.
The BN Guy said:
Welcome to the group! Nice truck and great choice of color!
Thanks, I plan this kind of stuff for the intended vehicle use. White= less revealing brush scratches. lol.