Hey Moderators... Rules??


A fee is much different than number of post participation. Is this issue really a trend or are we seeing a short spike?


New member
I’m dreaming, scheming, planning and potentially shopping in the near future. I don’t mind the new user ads— but where I get the real value (and education) on this forum is reading the responses, questions, and occasional takedowns of prices and builds in response to the ads. So in my opinion— keep it as-is. Thanks!

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Jonathan Chouinard
I like the classifieds, not because I'd ever buy a ridiculously overinflated-priced vehicle, but because I like to guess what I'd be willing to pay for it, and then laugh at how it's usually double or more. I do like getting diy ideas from some of these "builds" though.

I'm all for voluntary donations to the forums if it means getting rid of ads. I only go on the forums on mobile, so I don't seem to get the pop-ups that some folks are complaining about.


Over The Hill
I myself would be in favor of voluntary donations to be free of the adds . That is the adds that have come about n the recent months. I am on my phone so I can control most of the adds but I feel like I shouldn't have to work to enjoy a good read from a good book . The members supplying the good read and Expo being the good book.
Just my opinion.


The solution to that is to post GLWS and "Still available?" In every for sale ad. Also post all your failed standup comic bits on unrelated threads.

Or do a bunch of "this guy gets it" quote posts....

Just a thought though; "new members" aren't the only ones throwing fantasy prices into their For Sale threads. There are plenty of "Adventurers" and "Explorers" throwing up $100k Tacos and 20+ year old Ram diesels for $75k and up... only to drop the price by 20% after two weeks of crickets. And I understand the whole "tHe MaRkEt WiLl DeTeRmInE vAlUe" but personally, I prefer to pad my Craigslist prices and treat this place more like the community we like to think it is.
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Active member
The problem with requiring a certain number of posts before a sale ad is you won’t likely get good contributions. My suggestion would be to allow price comments for people labeled as new members. Although that would open up a can of worms. Personally I like reading the for sale ads. Like many of said, I’m not going to buy, but find the comments interesting and informative.
I look @ this section ~ 5x/week, probably 85% for entertainment and 15% for actual interest in buying a vehicle. I rarely post, why would I reply to an ad if I'm not buying or selling something specific?

I'm very likely selling my campervan in 2023 and this would be the only place I'd likely list it to start at least. So would it benefit this forum if I couldn't do that? Would it benefit you personally? This meta thread reminds me of craigslist forums circa 2003. I liked MuFo.
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