Hey Moderators... Rules??


Lifetime Social Distancer
I go back and forth on this. I am, however addicted to looking at the ads o_O.
  • For ideas and inspiration.
  • To look at purty photos of cool rigs
  • To see a lot of the absurd pricing of these cool rigs ?
  • I am always on the lookout for a new project and sometimes think I want a new rig (however, not at most of the prices!)
It does irritate me when members (seems to me ones who mostly just joined to post) post a ridiculous rig, answer a few questions and then disappear. If you sold it, update it, if not, remember where you put it for sale and reply to questions.


Lifetime Social Distancer
I also think part of my annoyance is that a lot of these crazy pimped out rigs were the ones built up during the fad of Overlanding!!! That happened during the #vanlife times of COVID. With all of the new vendors and accessories people bought with this sudden increase in disposable income during the pandemic.
(Guess I'm Jealous I didn't have $200k to dump into a new hobby)

The last couple years of seeing so many more people going places I used to have to myself. Finding so much trash and ? at dispersed camp spots etc. And knowing many (not all) of these vehicles delivered the people who didn't respect the natural environment etc.

I'll now climb off the therapist couch and go fix a few things on my truck I've been putting off with the crazy cold spell we just had.
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New member
The last couple years of seeing so many more people going places I used to have to myself. Finding so much trash and ? at dispersed camp spots etc.

This is an actual problem. Somebody asking more for their vehicle than you think they should ask isn’t a problem. IMHO, pointing your internet frustrations at land use issues makes more sense.


Lifetime Social Distancer
This is an actual problem. Somebody asking more for their vehicle than you think they should ask isn’t a problem. IMHO, pointing your internet frustrations at land use issues makes more sense.
Agreed. I could just stop looking at the ads if I was actually that annoyed. Honestly it's just kinda a morbid fascination.
I also understand that not all folks new to "overlanding" are causing the land use issues, it's just easy for me to make that assumption and be irritated at the "newbs"


Warning. Significant verbiage ahead. Don’t say you weren’t warned.

Okay, so let’s start off with a hello to all of my forum friends, new members included.

After reading what amounted to 5 pages (?) of posts on my phone as I enjoyed my morning coffee I’ve come to several conclusions.

Not as a badge or anything but just as a point of reference I’ve been on this site for close to 14 years. In that time I’ve come to enjoy reading classifieds on Expo as they used to represent a unique and diverse range of rigs, most of which were either outside my price range or represented something I’d never use. All enjoyable to review nonetheless.

That location of Expo has “changed” the most the last few years but then so has the overall Forum site with regard to the kinds of threads posted.

IMO Covid represented the peak of interest in “Overlanding” (I am old enough to recall it being camping but that’s for another thread). Anyway, and like I was saying the use of the outdoors saw a surge during the pandemic. With that I also noticed a surge in the “remnants” of people using the outdoors. Driving off trail, leaving garbage at their campsites, etc. So, it wasn’t just the crowds that grew, so did the negative aspects of this popularity increase regarding those who found a new hobby.

Why would one think that there would be a “limit” to “where” that increase in popularity would be seen at? This site and the many others like have all seen a difference in the kind of people accessing it.

All that to say what makes us think those kinds of negative experiences would not be showing up here?

Am I going to judge this change? Not worth the breath to do so. But that doesn’t mean I don’t have an opinion. And with most things that I’ve found to be less than desirable I vote with my feet as the saying goes. Same for this URL.

This used to be a much more world-oriented forum regarding participation from my perspective. I suspect those not in NA have also noticed the change and also “voted” as there is less content from abroad. Again, just my opinion. How many rigs from overseas are for sale by “new members”? Not the CL postings. But “Expo Member” listings?

More ads? Deceptive posts? Lack of admin / moderator oversight? New members only posting to unload their ahem, “stuff”?

If I was looking for a CL or EBay experience I’d go there. There was a time where this was not that and that uniqueness made coming here worthwhile. However nothing remains as it was as change is always inevitable.

The perception of whether the change has been good or bad is likely dependent upon whether you consider this to be a lifestyle or just a participant in the latest fad.

Mickey Bitsko

Want to kill the classified section, start charging for ads.

So what, I’d much rather look over a lot of vehicles. If imperfect ads bother you that much you should be on medication or pick another hobby. Maybe you can get a job at Facebook reporting people that post Biden memes. LOL
As a new member, thank you for your participation.


Active member
It can be rewarding to sift through a few pages of the chronological entries in the forum: when you're too focused on looking for something specific you will probably be overlooking others that can be valuable. However, and especially when looking to purchase a particular sort of vehicle amid the thousands of accurate/inaccurate/somewhere-in-between listings, it would be an improvement if there was a functional filter and search feature. One strength of this site is that it is free, open to all, and covers pretty much every topic under the sun relevant to motorized camping (and then some) but entropy has "For sale - By ExPo Members (*With Price*)" in something of a chokehold.


New member
Hey @Dendy Jarrett and @Christian P.

What ever happened to that rule about new members had to have X amount of posts before posting in the classifieds section?

Almost every other forum in existence has this, and i could of sworn it used to be a rule here.

Most forums its at least 50 posts.

This weeds out the scammers just trying to flip a clapped out pile with no remorse.

The classifieds here are being flooded again with brand new members posting stuff for absurd $, minimal details, and disappearing off the forum and not responding to questions




New member
Hey @Dendy Jarrett and @Christian P.

Whatever happened to that rule about new members had to have X amount of posts before posting in the classifieds section?

Almost every other forum in existence has this, and i could of sworn it used to be a rule here.

Most forums its at least 50 posts.

This weeds out the scammers just trying to flip a clapped out pile with no remorse.

The classifieds here are being flooded again with brand new members posting stuff for absurd $, minimal details, and disappearing off the forum and not responding to questions


Why is this rant in the classifieds…… Who are you to question others prices or motives for selling. Some of us have been on here utilizing the forums for years without posting. Then when we do this pops up….
Stop Hating on others and worry about yourself!
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Well-known member
Why is this rant in the classifieds…… Who are you to question other prices or motives for selling. Some of use have been on here utilizing the forums for years without posting. Then when we do this pops up….
Stop Hating on others and worry about yourself!
:unsure: ... It appears that you are questioning other people questioning, while complaining about them questioning. ... You might want to carefully read your own post a few times. ... :cool:


Officious Intermeddler
Lol ??? Sorry, but that’s just too funny!




Well-known member
He probably flagged these posts to the mods..lol
:unsure: ... Would someone who rants about a "rant" do that? ... Would someone who posts in the classifieds complaining about people posting in the classifieds do that? ... Would someone who questions people "questioning" do that? ... Would someone who is "hating on others" and "worrying about other than himself/herself" by posting "Stop Hating on others and worry about yourself!" do that? ... :cool:


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