Hi strength WHEELS, where?


You should see what they are running on this.
I'd bet it is similar weight wise to your rig.


The truck tire option seems good, but I wonder if you can air them down for sand and the like.


The truck tire option seems good, but I wonder if you can air them down for sand and the like.

The short answer is yes/sort of, the long answer involves a technical discussion on sidewall deflection, heat build up, tire design and underinflation casing damage. Then there is some disagreement amongst tire experts (legit tire experts, not the guy at the tire shop "expert") about those issues. It is important to remember what the chosen tire was designed for, there are some on/off road tires in these classes that could do better than others. I for one would hate to experience a catastrophic sidewall failure (aka zipper failure) due to underinflation casing damage on a steer axle.


Expedition Leader
If I had to make a guess I'd wager they're probably running overweight, especially the rims. Those are things most people won't give a thought to. Or there could be not much going on inside, and it may be a mini-mod, so therefor lighter. I don't remember the details of that rig. In any case I think the MTRs I bought will have me covered. They're good for 4540# ea and I don't see myself exceeding that.

I used to do a lot of airing down and never suffered a tire failure, of any sort, but I didn't go blasting down the highway at 10 psi between trails either. I'm not sure how far down I'm could air this combo before the tires turned into tank treads. Standard rims you have to watch how far down you go because you start running into danger of rolling the bead off the rim, and this practice isn't a good idea at all on .5 type tires and rims. I can get away with it because of the dual beadlock.

I'll see how these new tires perform. If they do well I might be in love with my beadlocks again. For awhile. :)
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