Same truck with 260,000 miles on it. The PO hadn't taken care of the truck well though and the oil pickup in the engine clogged and starved the top end causing a catastrophic engine failure. I replaced the engine with a low mileage, JDM import engine. The pinion bearing was also going in the rear and I replaced the third with one from ECGS (solid pinion spaces now). Trans pump is whining and one day, probably around tax time, I will be acquiring a lightly used trans. But, I drove that pig 6 hours over two ranges (WVa) to go on weekend trip with my wife and I drive it 500 miles a week commuting to work. It still gets 18-ish MPG. A buddy of mine that works for Honda says that these cars and trucks these days don't die of heart attack, they die of cancer. Meaning, if you pay attention to your vehicle, you will notice if something is going to go. Don't just turn the stereo up. I would drive my truck to Moab tomorrow, whine and all.