Tour Guide
Just curious what was the approximate elevation of these plains? Great report.
Say an average of 4500 feet or so with certain places a bit over 5000.Just curious what was the approximate elevation of these plains? Great report.
I just looked at pictures of the arsenal complex at Igloo, SD. Next time I get in that region I definitely will stop there.Igloo is the remnants of a large complex of WWII-era buildings which was an ammunition plant. It looks interesting from SD 471. You reach 471 just north of Ardmore. It's a gravel road (maybe the northern end is paved?) and it passes through some very nice farm and ranch country, up and over a low pass, enroute to Edgemont. Edgemont is an old railroad town with a big general store.
In 2010, I overnighted at Fort Robinson SP enroute from NC to MT. Got up, showered, and at 0500, I loaded up on fresh home-made pastries, OJ, and coffee at the convenience store in Crawford and headed north. I pulled over just a couple or three miles south of the state line at Ardmore, dropped the tailgate, and enjoyed a fine sunrise, as near as complete silence as can be found anywhere, and some good vittles. Beautiful, wide-open country out there. I want to go back again.