Home Storage for your Gear


lots of threads on Vehicle storage but im curious to as how people store it at home, i have a 8x6 storage shed in my condo which as it stands is a disaster of pile and unorganized gear, i have 4 weeks off coming up and my plan is to completly empty it out and build a storage system. so Post some pics for some inspiration! i would like to work in a small work bench into it as i don't have anywhere to work on things if i need some space.

I think i've got 4 sleeping bags, 2 double wides for me and my wife and a 3 seasons backpacking and a winter bag for motorcycling, 2 or 3 tents, about 4 different stoves, and countless box's of other gear! not to mention a pretty serious set of tools and welders.


Pontoon Admiral
I put 2x4s upright with 1x2 slides or inside verticle braces with a 2x4 base. Got large tupperware type tubs at wally-world, the lip on the side of the tubs slide over the 1x2s, two pieces of ply screwed to the back keep it steady. Stuff is organized in the tubs and the fronts marked. Set a small table in there and you can slide out a tub, take the top off and dig through stuff without bending/stooping and setting small stuff that might be clean on the floor.

I've been wanting to put some shelves above to place smaller tubs on for the small stuff that gets used at home. This just reminded me of that other honeydo! :)


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: RACOR Hoist/cabinets and shed




All the everyday/routine recovery/safety gear, I keep in the jeep/trailer-24/7

:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO


Doesn't Get Out Enough
Nicely done, Jimbo. I find that the more gear I can get into the fewest cases and containers, the better it stores and loads. Right now it's all in one closet. I like to keep two empty containers (likely an 8gal ActionPacker nested inside a 24gal) in reserve that can easily be grabbed for last minute supply trips or left behind.


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: Thanx SWITAWI, I do have some "TASK FORCE" containers to store all recovery/tools/ gear-except batteries/winchs-etc

Nicely done, Jimbo. I find that the more gear I can get into the fewest cases and containers, the better it stores and loads. Right now it's all in one closet. I like to keep two empty containers (likely an 8gal ActionPacker nested inside a 24gal) in reserve that can easily be grabbed for last minute supply trips or left behind.

These localize all the stuff and I breakit down for the cause/reason/length of the trip



Thats an older pic and I've got the "normal stuff" mobile in smaller bags--even though I can carry both "Task Force" boxes, cause they've got wheels and sliding handles-


Heh Heh, man nothing like the jeep 4dr-although I never took that much gear, but it will all fit !

:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO


yeah im thinking about building a cubbyhole system with duffle bags, most of it is in bags already, and a tool board with a rolling cart for the heavy things like my welder.


New member
I have one large closet in the outside hallway of my apartment that houses all of my tools, toys, camping gear, and spare parts.. Its a wreck.


In my shed I have a storage shelf / rack that is pretty much dedicated just to my camping / offroad gear. Things get set on the shelf or storage (duh) and I'll grab what I need for a particular trip. Most of my things are in duffels or stuff sacks or other containers already so I don't need to repact "everything" each time.


Mine's still a work in progress...

but it's coming along. We have a one car garage that doesn't fit the truck, so I converted it to a gear storage area. We're renting, and the place came with the shelving units in the picture. I use cheap plastic storage bins from Ikea to store most of my camping/backpacking equipment. They're clear, so you can see what's in them, but the tops don't latch, which is really irritating. Before we moved into this place, we used bakers racks from Ikea for the shelving. That actually worked pretty well, but I've since gotten some gear that needs deeper shelves (camp kitchen, water heater), so the new shelves work better.

In the picture below, you can see most of the gear on the shelves. Sleeping bags loosely stuffed in mesh bags on top of the shelves, tents and other shelters are on the bottom right (hard to see because it's dark). Miscellaneous stuff (stoves, water filters, backpacking kitchen items, sleeping pads, etc.) in between. The workbench on the left is dirt simple, made from 2x4s and two pieces of pre-cut plywood. The bench houses tools. Eventually, I'd like to get a more dedicated space for tools, but that's probably a ways off. On the right, you can see an old chest of drawers. We use that for camping/climbing clothes (baselayers, rainshells, gaiters, etc.). Mostly empty storage units are stacked on/around it. We have used these on trips, but my trip packing is evolving, and I'm not sure if I want to keep them. I'm holding onto them for now, though they may get tossed. Cooler under the storage bins and bike next to it. We use the small, grey Ikea drawer unit for small odds and ends (headlamps, multitools, gear repair parts, various bike pieces).


On the other wall, I put up some pegboard. One piece keeps packs organized. The other two aren't really organized yet, but will eventually hold various bike junk, climbing equipment, and other odds and ends.



but it's coming along. We have a one car garage that doesn't fit the truck, so I converted it to a gear storage area. We're renting, and the place came with the shelving units in the picture. I use cheap plastic storage bins from Ikea to store most of my camping/backpacking equipment. They're clear, so you can see what's in them, but the tops don't latch, which is really irritating. Before we moved into this place, we used bakers racks from Ikea for the shelving. That actually worked pretty well, but I've since gotten some gear that needs deeper shelves (camp kitchen, water heater), so the new shelves work better.

In the picture below, you can see most of the gear on the shelves. Sleeping bags loosely stuffed in mesh bags on top of the shelves, tents and other shelters are on the bottom right (hard to see because it's dark). Miscellaneous stuff (stoves, water filters, backpacking kitchen items, sleeping pads, etc.) in between. The workbench on the left is dirt simple, made from 2x4s and two pieces of pre-cut plywood. The bench houses tools. Eventually, I'd like to get a more dedicated space for tools, but that's probably a ways off. On the right, you can see an old chest of drawers. We use that for camping/climbing clothes (baselayers, rainshells, gaiters, etc.). Mostly empty storage units are stacked on/around it. We have used these on trips, but my trip packing is evolving, and I'm not sure if I want to keep them. I'm holding onto them for now, though they may get tossed. Cooler under the storage bins and bike next to it. We use the small, grey Ikea drawer unit for small odds and ends (headlamps, multitools, gear repair parts, various bike pieces).

View attachment 138581

On the other wall, I put up some pegboard. One piece keeps packs organized. The other two aren't really organized yet, but will eventually hold various bike junk, climbing equipment, and other odds and ends.

View attachment 138582

as simple as it is, I like the peg board, I have an area in my garage that could really benefit from some of that.


Nice set up. My only concern is rodents. I cannot put anything fabric in the shed, those bastards can eat through almost anything. Ate the better part of my hockey gear so there's no chance I'm putting any tents/backpacks out there.

Am I the only one who's had that kind of problem?


New member
Nice set up. My only concern is rodents. I cannot put anything fabric in the shed, those bastards can eat through almost anything. Ate the better part of my hockey gear so there's no chance I'm putting any tents/backpacks out there.

Am I the only one who's had that kind of problem?

I do to...surprisingly a Rubbermaid tote keeps mice out of my gear with no trouble. I have heard that rats may be another story. We get "pack rats" and they are theiving, smelly, horrible little monsters that get into just about anything...but the Rubbermaid keeps them out to.

I hang stuff like sleeping bags and tents in stuff sacks from the rafters and the critters can't into them.


Expo this, expo that, exp
All the camping gear is in totes on the shelves in the garage. The totes keep everything nice and clean. I don't have any pictures to share, but what I did was I created isles in my garage using 72" High x 48" wide x 15" deep Whalen storage racks I picked up at Costco. They're real nice. The shelving makes things easy to access and helps a lot with organization. However, the current state of things is a little bit like semi-controlled chaos. Late last year I had to move my office into the garage to make room for the nursery. Compound that with four baby strollers, some moving boxes that were never unpacked a dishwasher that needs to be craiglisted, a Bajarack, and some other junk I inhered... It's all piled up and has created real difficulties. I feel a lot like Dr. Cox (Scrubs) "About a year ago, Jordan said she wanted to crash for a while.” Now my office is a nursery, my closet is my office, my clothes are in the entertainment center, and my TV is in the john, which I guess is kind of nice…I don't even know anymore.”

I told my wife I need at least 8 hours to unwind the mess before I can organize it properly. I probably need to double that figure... I tried to do it over the holidays but that never materialized. I'm hoping to get it done later this month. haha.

Yedi's setup is real nice. The pegboard setup is very functional. I like it.
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