Honda eu2000i use in bad weather


I'm looking for heating solutions in a rig I'm building for snowboarding excursions. I'll be camping in the parking lots while it's hopefully dumping snow outside. How weather proof will a generator be? Will sliding it under my van be sufficient protection, or will I need a more substantial cover?


Under the van would provide sufficient weather protection, but from a safety standpoint it's a bad idea due to carbon monoxide concerns, especially as the snow piles up around the van and encloses the area.


Expedition Leader
"Will sliding it under my van be sufficient protection, or will I need a more substantial cover?"

another entry to the Darwin awards !

In no way shape or form put a gas powered generator under a vehicle your in, we had a 43ft long 5th wheel with its own inbuilt onan generator and we nearly died in that too, due to winds circulating the exhaust under the trailer, as it was parked next to a wood pile all along one side.

We had 2 carbon monoxide alarms, bedroom portable went off first then the main trailer one.

The next day we added a 12 ft exhaust extension and put the outlet the other side of the wood pile.

This was in the snow at 8500ft, so a similar situation where we had snow build up around the trailer and the wood pile became a solid wall

Wind direction, snow buildup, position of geny and surrounding snow drifts etc will all effect where the fumes go.

Position down wind, make a small open sided cover out of aluminum or similar position the exhaust and open side down wind of the trailer.

Use while awake, turn off when its time for bed, its a silent killer and you won't be able to smell the me.!


That looks perfect dlh! Thanks! I'll be ordering that this fall for sure.

I have an Olympian Wave 3 in my pop-up camper and it's not my favorite to use.
1) it only radiates heat in the area directly in front of it - so you'll need something to circulate the air if you're not directly in front of it
2) Lots of condensation
3) Difficult to ignite over 10k feet (use a stick lighter). Manufacturer doesn't recommend using it over 12k feet.

I've used it with a 12v bunk warmer to take the edge off 20°F nights.
The warmer draws about 3amps but I prefer to use it over the Wave 3.


Get a big umbrella, pull the handle off and shove it into the ground. Then place your genny under it - voila, instant rain cover!


The passive heaters (wave) are one noted.

But running the Honda while awake is another idea, that's what we do. We have 2 Gr 27 AGM's ...after skiing, while cooking dinner/hanging I 'll run the genny for power and to recharge batts. When we are ready to sleep I shut the genny down. The 2 batts are plenty to last through the night...could go 2 nights really. 1 batt would be a stretch...but if you have duals with a quality charger/ should be fine.
As mentioned DO NOT RUN under/next to vehicle.
We are careful to put it downwind and away from camper...when I shut it off, I let it cool for a bit then lock it in truck.


New member
OP - what is nice with the EU2000 is you can attache snorkel to the exhaust pipe with hose clamps and run it vertical to the top of your vehicle. Now exhaust is above vehicle and blows away when wind is present. I use this in my cabin. I have a box made for it on the side of the cabin that protects the generator and I pipe the exhaust up the side of the house like a chimney. No smell and reduced noise. Win- Win


I found this doing a quick Google search.



OP - what is nice with the EU2000 is you can attache snorkel to the exhaust pipe with hose clamps and run it vertical to the top of your vehicle. Now exhaust is above vehicle and blows away when wind is present. I use this in my cabin. I have a box made for it on the side of the cabin that protects the generator and I pipe the exhaust up the side of the house like a chimney. No smell and reduced noise. Win- Win

Given that CO is heavier than air, I'm not sure this is the best idea. I'm sure it would work 90% of the time if there's any wind at all, but in still air it seems like the exhaust would simply fall directly onto/into the camper, particularly if you have any vents open - say if you were cooking and didn't want all the condensation to build up.

Just thinking aloud here. I haven't actually tried any of this.


I like my Mr. Heater Buddy. I've used it in my pickup camper on overnight snowmobile trips when the built in furnace wasn't working. Unless it is really cold, I just run it up until bedtime, then snuggle into my sleeping bag. I've let it run overnight when the temps were down around zero. Even though they claim to be indoor safe, I do have a carbon monoxide detector and leave a window cracked. (Don't want to wake up dead!)
While the idea of a generator interests me, all I can see is some sh!thead stealing it while I'm off snowmobiling. I'm set up to work entirely off of 12v on my winter trips. Propane furnace/heater and cooktop. 12v lights. Cheap portable 12v DVD player to watch a movie at night. Galaxy Tab with Kindle App to read a book!

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