Hope nobody wants to run the Rubicon anymore...


no retreat, no surrender
The way I read the decision, the trail stays open under certain conditions, and is closed under others. That sounds better than closing the trail altogether due to water quality concerns.

And this is a good step - to waking up all those that really don't give a cr*p about our land and our water... if all the selfish folks join the folks that make an effort to *tread lightly*.... that will be HUGE.... and go a long long way to keeping not only this trail open, but others that are in jeopardy. There's just too many people in this world today - to have people out there acting irresponsibly. We have a responsibility to protect the land we want to use... and use it wisely.

I've got friends that brought back bags of trash.... beer cans etc... last trip out.


And this is a good step - to waking up all those that really don't give a cr*p about our land and our water... if all the selfish folks join the folks that make an effort to *tread lightly*.... that will be HUGE.... and go a long long way to keeping not only this trail open, but others that are in jeopardy. There's just too many people in this world today - to have people out there acting irresponsibly. We have a responsibility to protect the land we want to use... and use it wisely.

I've got friends that brought back bags of trash.... beer cans etc... last trip out.

For years I've tried to be one of the last people up behind the gates before the Forest service locks for the winter
and I can ALWAYS fill the flat bed of my F-250 with cr@p left by the "barbarians" that abuse our National Forests.
My family makes it a ritual to hit all the unimproved campsites in the area we frequent the Kids get it and the
Grand kids help but at 6 and 4 the oldest is just now old enough to start to understand rights and responsibilities
are linked.The barbarians would be shocked to find out how much more friendly the Rangers can be when they
realize that you are on their side they don't ask for my campfire permit any more and even give us intel on deer
movements!! It is a sign of the times I guess doing the right/courteous thing makes you stand out in the crowd.
Public lands belong to all of us and we should all treat them like it....OK I'll get off my soap:box: now.


no retreat, no surrender
Hauling out trash is one reason I love my Trasharoo..... no longer am I putting other folks garbage in my jeep..... it just goes in the trash bag - in my Trasharoo - that hangs on my spare tire..... what a great invention it is!


Expedition Leader
Hauling out trash is one reason I love my Trasharoo..... no longer am I putting other folks garbage in my jeep..... it just goes in the trash bag - in my Trasharoo - that hangs on my spare tire..... what a great invention it is!

does it hold people?? lol!
Hauling out trash is one reason I love my Trasharoo..... no longer am I putting other folks garbage in my jeep..... it just goes in the trash bag - in my Trasharoo - that hangs on my spare tire..... what a great invention it is!


Closing Trails doesn't stop those people from dumping trash or chopping down trees their not supposed to. It just redirects their efforts somewhere else, or has them throwing bolt cutters in with their camping gear. If it was really the Government wanting to protect nature for you to enjoy it they would spend the money on a trail monitoring system and start collecting fines on a much larger scale. Once you close areas down like they did Tellico it just sits there with the occasional hiker or mt biker coming through. But they are just as guilty of littering on trails as anyone else, just usually on a smaller scale. If you really question the motives of those running the show in situations like these, you'll most likely be left with more questions than answers. Just like why does runoff kill trout now when there was far more runoff when the logging companies were first using the roads in the 1950's at Tellico? What kept them from going extinct then? You can't legislate someone into doing the right thing, unless they were going to do the right thing anyways. Putting a gate up with a dirt mound may stop people from going there and doing the wrong thing. However, it also stops people from taking their children there to show them how to be responsible and why we have to pickup others trash. Without them appreciating what's there when they get older what will stop them from passing a bill to put up a mini mall or build a neighborhood? Nothing, then everyone losses.


SE Expedition Society
Yep most people have no idea 2/3 of the Great Smoky Mtns were logged by the 1930s. Fish are still in the rivers.


Rubicon Trail

FYI There is a trail clean up on the Rubicon this weekend it is a Pirate event it's Oct. 6-7 starting at the dam at Loon lake. There have always been attacks on closing this trail (rubicon) and many others. If we are going to stop it get involved. My family and friends have cleaned up and confronted people on many different trails about there inconsideration for the outdoors ( being nice):). Some people take it to heart and some will never learn. If you don't get involved you should not cry about trails that are closed across the nation.

Thank You


The way I read the decision, the trail stays open under certain conditions, and is closed under others. That sounds better than closing the trail altogether due to water quality concerns.

X2, This is the way trails are handled in Wyoming. They do not open till all the snow runoff is gone and almost dry. Usually middle of July or later. Matter of fact the trails will not open under any circumstances before July 15. Does not make me happy but gotta' follow the rules. I'd be alright about the rules if they made sense and did not just cater to the tree hugger bunch.


FYI There is a trail clean up on the Rubicon this weekend it is a Pirate event it's Oct. 6-7 starting at the dam at Loon lake. There have always been attacks on closing this trail (rubicon) and many others. If we are going to stop it get involved. My family and friends have cleaned up and confronted people on many different trails about there inconsideration for the outdoors ( being nice):). Some people take it to heart and some will never learn. If you don't get involved you should not cry about trails that are closed across the nation.

Thank You

Yeah I was going to mention Pirate going up this weekend to do some cleanup.

My first run with my wife will be this weekend. It is really a milestone in our relationship and will be very special to share it with her, but I am so mad it makes me want to cry about how all of this is going down. The last time I ran the trail was right after they dynamited the Gatekeeper. That is why this is such a special pic to me:


We sold that Jeep just before moving to Germany and jumped at the opportunity to return to CA when it came up and even ordered our JKUR for the sole purpose of doing its namesake upon our return.

Now I am seeing what my beloved CA we left is becoming. I don't want to go into a full on political tirade, but my absolute HATRED for socialism which is founded on living in Europe and seeing what a bunch of lemmings they are bound by laws as opposed to common sense and that which is just known to be right is precisely why this hurts so much.

We are turning into Europe here in CA and I hate it. In working for our federal government while in Europe I was exposed to a number of other experiences that really just made me dislike the whole thing. Now when I see our "free" nation is starting to ignorantly restrict access to the very place that so many have fought and died for is just killing me. The state gubment losers here have no sense whatsoever; they are now stealing from the totally self sufficient OHV fund to shore up gaps in places where they screwed up and didn't know how to run a business. I'm just so mad I'm going to stop. I'm glad we'll have this weekend and I plan on taking as many pics as possible so we can have a memory- even if not perfect- of why I originally fell in love with CA.

For someone who suffered through growing up in OH, finishing my undergrad and getting a typical lemming job, all I could dream of was to come out to the epicenter of all things fun and adventure oriented; Sunny California. Now the place is chock full of bureaucratic jerks bent on protecting us from ourselves and giving all our hard earned money to people not willing to do anything for themselves.

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