Horrendous Customer Service - Wild Boar


I thought it was the company who was expected to show respect to the customer. I guess you should feel lucky if they deign to sell you something. I wonder how much you have to beg them to get them to actually take your cash?

Well that's a two way street... but I would think that before their sales guy gives me a hard time, that he'd at least try to make the sale first. ? Oh well. Someone linked me to their FB page (posted it up on my page a while ago). So I decided to post up what I posted here (with some added explanations). Guess we'll see how much they care tomorrow... Or maybe it'll be the same guy, or it'll just get deleted... I'll still make an attempt to inform the owner of the poor level of service received... but that's about as far as I'll take it. I figure that as long as he's aware of what took place, and other potential customers have some insight into what they may be in for... then I'm good.

As we were discussing this over a pint today (after my initial shock, I was more amused than anything), I decided to share. Anyway one of the points brought up was this. If this is their level of service to a potential new customer... what do they give their existing customers? This is doubly a concern for me, as I live in Northern Canada, and things get crazy expensive to return if there's issues with them. Or just parts in general cost a fortune.


I googled "Paul Leazer and Wild Boar" and found some telling information.

This whole thread is something I'll share with my Off-road club...100+ members. I'm sure word will get around well beyond that.


Thank you for the heads up. I'll be crossing wild boar off my list. Besides, "lots of people want their tops" so no sweat either way.

Paul Leazer is an ************


Looking online, I found that Chris Duncan is apparently the owner of WBP. Here's the email I sent to him and the CEO.

Mr Chris Duncan,

I read online that you're the owner of Wild Boar Products. Mr Eberhardt, I emailed you as well, as I came across your name online, where it indicated you are the CEO. If I am sending this to the wrong person, could you please forward it to the owner/GM. Thanks.

After the experience I had yesterday, I figured you should at the least be aware of my experience. How does the saying go? "If you have a good experience, you tell 10 people, and if you have a bad experience you tell 100". Or "if you have a good experience tell everyone, if you have a bad one, tell me (owner)?" In less than 24 hours, social media has allowed me to share this exchange with over 1200 people - the majority of which fancy themselves as jeepers and outdoor enthusiasts - which coincidentally happens to be your target audience for most, if not all of your products.

Let me tell you, I was shocked and dismayed at the response I received. After getting over my shock, I was amused. I'm not looking for anything, and more than anything would simply like you to be aware of what transpired between myself and your VP of sales.

A while ago on Expedition Portal I came across a picture of your camp-n-case tent on a trailer. Being in the market for a new tent for my trailer for this spring, I was interested enough to ask who made that tent. It wasn't quite what I thought I wanted, but it was close enough that I thought I should at least look into it, and see how it stacks up against the other similar products on the market. I was told it was a Wild Boar RTT.

So yesterday I started looking around online for this tent. I've heard of your company before (you make some sweet JK hard tops). However what I found on your main site was actually disappointing. What's there is basically just the high points. Which is fine... if there's more details somewhere. But with the name I had (Wild Boar RTT) I wasn't finding what I wanted to see, and your main site doesn't have a link to the site that's specifically for the tent. So I continued looking online and on youtube. Now I'm not an advertising expert or a marketing genius by any means... but as a consumer considering spending $3500 for a tent, I have a pretty good idea as to what info I want to see on a product. Especially when the other 3 vendors (Autohome, Cascadia Vehicle Tents, James Baroud) who all make similar products all have an plethora of information readily available, and I'm easily able to find videos online of the setup, interior and takedown process - either ones done from the company, or done by consumers.

So not finding what I was looking for, I grew frustrated and sent off a somewhat abrupt email to your sales and dealer contact Paul Leazer. And while I'm more than willing to admit that I should have worded it better... I (as well as the hundreds of people I've shown this exchange to) was completely blown away at the response I received. Not only was it unprofessional as hell, it was basically a big **** you. Which, is surprising as hell, considering that I was a potential customer who at least cared enough about the product to contact your company and indicate (however poorly) that I couldn't find the information I was seeking. Instead of being directed to the proper website, or emailed additional information, I'm told in no uncertain terms to take a hike.

Whitehorse YT

Here's the emails exchanged between myself and Paul Leazer, your VP of sales.

Septu said:
It's rather disappointing that the only video I can find of the RTT is A tied in with other Wild Boar products, and B, maybe 60 seconds long, and shows it going up, with a quick shot of the inside.

Nothing on how it goes down, price or much of anything really... Just a suggestion, you'd be well versed to make a 3-5 minute video of this - solely about this product with as much info on it as possible. Everything from the type of pillows/mattress, electrical outlets, spec's on the storage rack (how much can it hold when open) etc.

It looks like an interesting platform, but there's almost no info available to do any research to compare this to something like the CVT or Autohome.


Paul Leazer said:
> So what's your point? Are you the expert advertizing guy? Never even
> heard of you before, appreciate the input, we do just fine and are
> working on magazine articles. The video was done in house by our web
> master. We also have a website, "camper-n-case.com", you can go to. All
> I am going to say is we have a unique product that no one offers, a
> Camper Case that opens into an automatic tent, as seen on the video. So
> for analitical people like you, it's probably not for you. Thanks for
> your input.

* Just an FYI. The website provided by Mr Leazer is not the correct one. And while I was told it will automatically resolve from camper-n-case.com to camp-n-case.com, that's apparently dependent on what DNS server you're using... my ISP/DNS doesn't resolve it. In addition to the initial suggestions made, I would add that the proper URL be provided.

Septu said:
> Yeah after that reply, I guess it's not for me. I'll be sure to inform others of your wonderful customer service. Just an FYI... the website you provided... doesn't work. Good job.
> Septu
Paul Leazer said:
> That's ok cause lots of people want our tops, one I see someone
> disespecting all our hard work and efforts, that has no clue what we go
> through to put products on the market, you can call it customer service
> if you like, I call your comments disrespectful. Sorry you feel that way.


Another great example of a fine product run into the ground by lack of common business expertise. When running your business gets in the way of running your business. Either the VP is a drunk, a foreigner who doesn't have a grasp of the English language or just a conceited pri(k.. In any case, he has a VERY small market that hes trying to push to, I'd be careful being hateful towards a little unrequested help..


What a shame when businesses who have a potentially great product to sell shoot themselves in the foot with bad service. Ballistic Fabrication had similar problems not that long ago. But rather than shutting down they made some personnel changes, and got some good advice from a consultant. The changes made all the difference in the world and i understand they're tons better to deal with than before the changes. Hopefully your letter to the CEO will prompt the changes needed to make them a good company to work with. They've got a lot to over come, especially when public opinion has been set by what sounds like a series of bad experiences.
But then they're not the only people out there with great ideas. And if they can't get their crap together, they won't be at it long. Your experiences have certainly swayed my shopping focuses to different companies.



Being in a business that deals with the public on an oh so regular basis, I cringed when I read this. So terrible, as has been stated, to have a good product, ruined by a circumstance like this.

I hope you get a response from them and that you share it. If, like was mentioned in the previous post, the company takes action... well, perhaps we should not write them off. On the other hand, it does seem like a culture of "We are right and you are not that important" might prevail. Culture usually comes from the top, that makes it even more interesting to me to see what and or if the leadership of the company responds.:beer: ( yeah, beer has nothing to do with it, but, hey, I LIKE beer)



I was looking for a Christmas present for my granddaughter and saw something promising. While reading through the reviews I found someone who said that when her kids opened the package on Christmas morning last year there were some parts missing which kept them from using it. She emailed the customer support address, figuring it might be three weeks before she got it straightened out. Two hours later the owner of the company (a small outfit making "unique" toys for kids) shows up with the parts - and a complete second kit. (It was a build-it-yourself snap together playhouse; kind of like giant tinkertoys.) He had driven an hour on Christmas Day to make one of his customers happy over a $40 toy. I would bet that just that one single review has resulted in the sale of hundreds more toy kits to people like me who want to deal with good companies.

I wonder how many more tents this doofus might have sold if he had taken five minutes out of his day to answer a few simple questions? I wonder how many sales he lost by being a jerk?


I was looking for a Christmas present for my granddaughter and saw something promising. While reading through the reviews I found someone who said that when her kids opened the package on Christmas morning last year there were some parts missing which kept them from using it. She emailed the customer support address, figuring it might be three weeks before she got it straightened out. Two hours later the owner of the company (a small outfit making "unique" toys for kids) shows up with the parts - and a complete second kit. (It was a build-it-yourself snap together playhouse; kind of like giant tinkertoys.) He had driven an hour on Christmas Day to make one of his customers happy over a $40 toy. I would bet that just that one single review has resulted in the sale of hundreds more toy kits to people like me who want to deal with good companies.

I've had service like that (well not quite, but similar) from a couple places. I've bent over backwards to support those companies, praise the individuals and pimp their products.

I wonder how many more tents this doofus might have sold if he had taken five minutes out of his day to answer a few simple questions? I wonder how many sales he lost by being a jerk?

He wouldn't have even had to spend 5 minutes. He could have ignored everything I wrote and just provided me the URL, and indicate that there's a lot more information there. I would have been quite happy. This was honestly what I was expecting (either a link or a pdf file with additional information). That would have been the easy and quick solution to this.

"Please check out this site/pdf, if you have questions please let us know." Less than a minute, and problem solved.


First reply is in. Looks like I mixed up the CEO with the 6x6, and he's not part of Wild Boar. However his response: "I did read your email and I fail to understand what upset you ? If you do not want to buy form WB that is up to you".


Expedition Leader
in business, 2% of your customers can take 80% of your time.

anyone consider the guy might have just gotten some bad news from a relative? his doctor? wife cleaning the milkman's pipes?

in the spirit of the season, let's give him a chance to cleanse himself of wrongdoings towards his fellow man.

and then, and only then, trashtalk this company right out of the industry.


First reply is in. Looks like I mixed up the CEO with the 6x6, and he's not part of Wild Boar. However his response: "I did read your email and I fail to understand what upset you ? If you do not want to buy form WB that is up to you".


Who is this idiot?

I agree with Septu.

I get enquiries via our website all the time. Mostly just wanting prices as our website is a bit of a static brochure/leaflet.

I actually don't know what to say. Words fail me.

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