Just some thoughts here...
Homeowner water heater elements are 240V usually, about 1500 watts, 38 ohms.
This is too much resistance for 12V, not enough heat made. (3.78 watts)
There are 120V models available, but IMO, they will not work well.
A 300 watt 12V element needs 25 amps to push through .48 ohms...manageable, but not ideal.
Using the 600 watt, .96 ohm, 24V element (sold above) in a 12V system will halve the needed amps (to 12A), and produce half the heat (150 watts). Driving all day will produce plenty of hot water with little effect on the truck. A thermostat on the tank will prevent overheating, and avoid overuse of the available power.
As noted earlier, a 70+/- amp hour battery dedicated to this project would keep a small tank warm for quite a while. Also, the warmer the water is going into the tank (start with a solar bag) the less draw for hot water later.
Wiring to the element plays a big part, too. Less line loss=more volts (and watts) at the tank=more hot water.
So... is my math right? What are your collective thoughts on this idea?
Regarding the GPM question: Run your home shower at the lowest acceptable flow into a 5 gal bucket, and time it. Keep dropping pressure till it takes 5 minutes to fill. This will seem like forever, of course. This will also be 1GPM. A typical RV water supply (demand) pump provides from 2 to 3 GPM in the best of circumstances, at about 40 PSI. My supply at home is about 60-70 PSI. Yours is probably close to that.
I hope this helped, more than hurt. :smilies27