How come we don't see turntable drawbar trailers?


Backing +100, complexity and cost of the steering, “we’ve always done it this way”… many factors I suspect.


Active member
probably a bunch more costly.

However - it can make for a light tongue. Wagon steering might bet you similar results with less cost and less complex.

Farm boys can back up multiple wagons and make it look easy, after a decades of daily practice.


Regular trailer puts weight on a drive axle increasing traction and breaking. 2 more non driving wheels add drag. With wheels on front and rear of your wagon you now have an entirely new situation with articulation and flex. If you think backing up a wagon is difficult you better not think about driving down hills with a heavy wagon behind you. BTDT


I have seen exactly one trailer made for the road like this. It was a horse trailer. 30+ years ago.
With as much trouble as the normal person has backing a trailer, this would be unbackable. A few skilled truck drivers could do it.

There have been a few attempts to make a trailer that you connect a gooseneck or 5th wheel trailer to in order to make it a bumper pull. It would end up being about the same contraption in the end.


Active member
My big camper is on a kingpin type steeraxle trailer.
I like it for stability and oneupmanship. .
Yes, backing up is pretty much impossible. That just adds to adventure, plus being aware of limits where it can be taken and a demand of being prepared.
Its 14' long. If room is available, In a pinch I could unhitch then reconnect to my front bumper which makes things much easier.
On flat hard surface it can be pushed also.
Potenitally, I could chain the drawbar to the truck which would force all pivioting to the steeraxel. Then it could be backed up more or less like a regular trailer.
In the extreme, set its brakes then unhitch.
Then using a chain drag the thing into a better position before moving on as normal.
Google "Sheep Camp".
You will find steer axel camp trailers are still made albeit a very specialised customer base.
please add photos of your big camper on this thread

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