How did your penthouse top change your van?


Hey All -

A pretty broad question, I know. And I have done plenty of searching here and on many other forums/sites. But I am hoping someone can provide a little insight into how adding a penthouse changed their van camping experiences.

A little backstory: The wife and I bought the van back in 2014. It's a 2002 E350 Quigley 4x4 RB Cargo V10. We have since put the Agile RIP kit on it. We built a home made platform and have been using bins to store stuff over and under and around the van ever since. We are looking to get a bit more organized with our gear storage and hauling capabilities. It has an aux. battery system which we plan to upgrade and add a refrigerator and heater system. That's probably it, as we still want it to be a simple, low maintenance build. Our typically crew is 2-4 people and 2-3 dogs, with all the gear. Most trips involve bikes, kayaks and climbing. No kids. Guests sleep either in their own tents or trailers, and it will remain that way. The ultimate goal is better organization and safer passenger transport.

We have been getting more serious about the addition of the SMB penthouse pop top. But we are having a hard time stomaching the cost and identifying the true need. It will cost as much as the van did. So i guess I am looking to hear from anyone who has lived with a factory roofed van for a period and then made the jump to the pop-top. What did you miss most? Do you regret the investment? Are their other options you would look at to accomplish a similar end goal? We don't stealth camp very often. And in that case we can just pull the seats and sleep on the floor. We don't think we are interested in a fixed roof top. The van height already limits how we get into places like the San Rafael Swell and on lines we can take on the trails. It's not used as a rock crawler, but it likes to get away...

Thoughts? And just because here's a photo. Thanks!



I vote for fixed top. Putting your pants on standing up is underrated. I've had CCV and SMB pop tops and wouldn't buy either again, especially not since the price has almost doubled in the last few years. You have a Ford so you can search awhile and find a fixed top for $150 at a yard. It will already be white almost guaranteed. Easy.


^^^ hates cars
But we are having a hard time stomaching the cost and identifying the true need.

Like 86 said. prices have pretty much doubled, so this is 100% understandable. if I hadn't have gotten into the van game back in 2012, theres no way I could get into it today with how much everything has inflated. just no way possible.

So i guess I am looking to hear from anyone who has lived with a factory roofed van for a period and then made the jump to the pop-top.

We camped 1.5 years in ours on a platform with no poptop. it was great, but in the heat of the summer, it got pretty hot inside. especially without any fans. adding refletix over all windows helped a ton.

the poptop is amazing, especially with ccv's triple canvas. we can close the shades towards the sun and open the windows that point away from the sun and it stays pretty comfortable inside. I have to say one of the best things is taking a nap mid afternoon after a ride or hike with the breeze blowing across you. the naps I have up camping are the best ive ever had, lol. sounds silly, but the older I get the more I need them, hahahaha.

What did you miss most?

nothing at all. all the additional space a poptop adds is indescribable.

Do you regret the investment?

not in the least bit. not even a little. we sold a race car to get our top. originally we had planned on our van to be used as a camper and a tow rig. once we started camping in it, we all but quit racing cars.

Are their other options you would look at to accomplish a similar end goal?

id seriously consider a fixed top, but if its too tall for your travel needs, I guess that answers that :)

we bought our ccv top as a kit and I had a few buddies help me install it. saved a few thousand that way. might be an option you look into. I never even considered smb tops due to them wasting the space above the cab. ccv tops go front to back. just seemed like a no brainer.


I was shopping for a high-top when my SMB PH fell in my lap. I bit just cuz it checked every other box and the price was right. I mostly use my van as a cargo hauler or on-site tool storage. I like the PH for all the "down" reasons: fuel economy, low clearance, etc. When I do camp, I LOVE that I have a big bed that can stay made and is never taking up floor length unless I'm using it.


^^^ hates cars
^^^ having a top fall into your lap is something you can’t walk away from no matter where it came from should the price be right for you at the time.

One option not mentioned so far you could consider is a roof top tent. Personally I like the clamshell style as they look very similar to our ccv top. I was looking at the roof nest sparrow x. Iirc, it was around $2500 shipped to your door.

The cvt and tepui are great once setup, but I don’t care for the looks when stowed. They just look like big bricks on top of your rig. Can’t be great for mpgs either, but then again vans don’t just slice through the air economicly, lol.


Thanks for all the input. I take it that whether I choose a a pop top or a fixed top, I'll have no regrets. I have looked at some hardtops and have not ruled them out. At this moment, I am trying to keep the van to a max height of 8'. Between that and the fact that I am 6'5" and I wont be free standing in any option I have seen, I am pushing this to the 2nd tier option. In the end I will have to more strongly way the cost vs. trail access requirements. If the van can't stay below or around 8' I will be looking at hard tops more seriously. I like the idea of a RTT and the ability to move it to another vehicle (I also have a 4runner). But some of the same issues apply as the fixed top. In the long run I may buy one anyways. But for the van I think the interior access is the major appeal.

I will keep digging around. Does anyone have the interior dimensions with the tops up? Apparently my internet search skills are failing and I dont see them listed on CCV or the SMB website. I have reached out to each as well.


^^^ hates cars
I have around 8' from floor to highpoint of roof when top is up, but I don't think ccv offers the fiberine top I have anymore. iirc, the tallest part of my top is 14" and the lowest part is 10". I have 4' between top of bed and roof.


New member
We have the high top pop up from CCV. And yes it was more expensive than our van. But prior to any suspension upgrades, 4 wheel drive etc, the pop top was the number one thing on our list to get done. We have the full cut out which lets us store the first 2 sections of the bed on top the existing bed and lets us walk around with out bending over. We also drive the van with the bed in this configuration, makes it feel more spacious. You are much taller than me, but with the top down, 1/2" insulation and another 1/2" plank vinyl floor, I can walk upright inside with out touching the roof- I am 5'7". Agree with all the reasons shenrie posts above. Even though the top has the arctic package on all 4 sides, when the top is up, it does get a bit chilly when the temperature drops. We do have the walls of the van insulated with 1/2" to 1" polyisocuranate (sp). Will try to get some measurements for you on the size of the bed. Good luck with the decision. It is not an easy one knowing the cost.

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