@Clintnz - awesome rack, just need to find a good swing for my rig. Best I can find is the Attach Rak, between that and a used hitch tray rack I'm close to $700 (ouch).
@Jason911 - I worry about that too. Last month we took a trip to NH and drove both ways in the dark, besides a ticket, I could see anything with the bikes blocking the lights, maybe I should have gotten a ticket.
@GHI, Cool rack, I used to work for a bike company and we had a rack custom made for a Ford Tauras that could hold a slew of bikes and wheels, I by the the time I put swing arm on, the cost will just be too high for me. My amatuer physics brain also says that one good bump and the whole thing is coming down.
@Justrom - good question, why not Just put them on top, (especially since I already have the rack? Just a pain in the @ss getting up and down. Also, My rig is only 7'8" and this would put me up to about 10'6" (I should really reconsider this idea). I am considering a Swing Daddy with a 7 inch extension it should clear just fine. I found a
device that will stiffen up the connection and precent sag between the hitch and extender.
I have a few months to make my final decision.
Thanks for everyones input.