It is against the law to bring unapproved firewood into any state park, state forest or day-use area (M.S. 89.551 Sec 2 Subd.3b). Approved wood can be obtained from DNR approved firewood vendors.
National Forests: The Chippewa and Superior National Forests prohibit firewood originating outside of Minnesota on their lands.
Voyageurs National Park: Only DNR approved firewood may be brought into the park.
Army Corps of Engineers Recreation Areas: Firewood must be obtained within 100 miles of site, or certified as pest free.
FYI it's illegal to transport firewood very far in many locales, so as to control the spread of the emerald ash borer, gypsy moths, etc.
Here are a few of the regs in Minnesota for example:
FYI it's illegal to transport firewood very far in many locales, so as to control the spread of the emerald ash borer, gypsy moths, etc.
Here are a few of the regs in Minnesota for example:
Up here un Quebec, it is more a recomandation then a regulation, and then you are following a logging semi-trailer that goes from one side of the province to the other. Go figure!
But I do understand the regulation and think they required. But at the same time, Wonder if there is not also an economic issue behind part of this, since paying 5,00$ for a small arm load of wood make it pretty expensive and lucrative.