Thanks so much for your help in learnin me some schoolin, all ya'lls. I think I understand it now.
I have this weird fetish for mechanical technology, even sometimes bordering on motorhead obsession. No, I'm not a luddite anywhere else in my life technologically speaking, and no, I don't think I need to prepare for an EMP from the Chinese or aliens from outer space or our own gub'ment.
I just like the "authenticity" of mechanical tech. All of my motorcycles are carbureted and kickstart-only, using magnetos in place of batteries, and I've been looking for equivalent automotive systems to sort of complete the theme. Laugh at me: this started when I began looking at the electronic ignition on my carbed Jeep engine and thinking, "Hmmm, how can I get rid of the electronic ignition and become as simple as a diesel..."
I really, really, really wish I had more reason to believe that diesel fuel will still be available for passenger vehicle use twenty or thirty years from now; I'm totally confident that I can still be riding the same petrol engine motorcycles then that I have today. But, sigh, it seems VW's diesel scandals of late have given governments from South Korea to France to the USA more reason than ever to simply legislate consumer diesel out of existence.
But I'm hoping it won't happen. I've got a real itch to put a VW 1.9 MTDi into an old Ford hot rod.
