How is everyone attaching their stoves to sliders?


New member
Mid stove/kitchen slider build and have a Coleman Tritan stove that I'm scratching my head on how to mount it to the slider. It has 4 raised metal feet which I'm debating drilling, however there are also several punched holes (1/2" in size or so) on the underside on both the left and right sides of the stove. Trying to think of a method to 'strap' or some how connect the stove to the slider without having to drill thru it. Zip ties will melt so thinking thru other options.

Curious what everyone else does to attach your stoves to sliders?



Hmmm... my kitchen isn’t set up that way, but I feel compelled to ask... why does it have to be attached? It seems like you would want to pull it off easily to move or clean it. Maybe just bungee in place for travel?


New member
Hmmm... my kitchen isn’t set up that way, but I feel compelled to ask... why does it have to be attached? It seems like you would want to pull it off easily to move or clean it. Maybe just bungee in place for travel?

Want to keep it in place while traveling, it'll get thrashed around in there if I don't have it mounted some how. Don't think I've got room for a bungee of any sort in there.
Why not metal pegs in the slider that align with existing holes in the stove. Make the pegs tall enough that the stove can't bounce off of when slider is in.


You could depress the stove into the slider by using a router to form the sides after the hole is cut.


Expedition Leader
For some/most of the cooking I do ala trail camping its very nice to have a level/near level stove. For my needs, I'd use a cam strap to secure the stove to the slide out tray for 'in transit' mode. Then leveler feet I've installed on every stove I've owned/own to easily adjust to level in camp.


Well-known member
For some/most of the cooking I do ala trail camping its very nice to have a level/near level stove. For my needs, I'd use a cam strap to secure the stove to the slide out tray for 'in transit' mode. Then leveler feet I've installed on every stove I've owned/own to easily adjust to level in camp.
Yep. I installed rivnuts in my stove for leveling feet. So much better than using rock & twigs to keep pancake batter from running to the edge. Using a strap as you do would allow the stove to be moved to another location, too. I regularly make use of a nearby picnic table or shady area that way.

If the OP doesn't care about leveling or easily removing the stove from the slide, rivnuts would be an excellent way to mount it to the base.


Well-known member
If you bolt it down, you cant put anything under it to level it.. which means your vehicle/trailer has to be good and level to make stuff like eggs..

I'm redoing my slide out here soon, just going to bungee the stove down while in transport.


Gentleman Adventurer
I'd put a couple of footman loops at either end so you can bungee or strap it down, in transit. Or you could take the stove apart and screw the base to the slider .


New member
Good call on the leveling. Like the rivet nut idea with some adjustable feet. Will have to stop at the hardware store this week and give that a look.

Also like the footman loop idea. Small strap / bungee over the top would work as I have room for that, just can't get 'around' due to the slides and slider front so have to strap it on the surface.

Hoped to avoid bolting it to the slide so I could move it to clean up spills, etc. without having to unbolt it. Also, if we decided to use something like a camp BBQ when fires aren't allowed, wouldn't be able to put it there without unbolting the stove.

Thanks all.
So when I had a slide out system in my 4runner I just took thin (1/4 - 3/8") strip of wood about 1" wide and glued that down around the perimeter of where the stove feet set so it would keep it from sliding at all. Underneath the stove I took some non-slip drawer matting like you would line kitchen drawers with and put that underneath and that kept the stove completely in place. Basically made a cage for the feet of the stove and add non-slip grip to ensure it stayed planted. It worked great and allowed me to level the stove at camp once slid out.

Good luck.

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