I was speaking with someone that sold Rhino Racks recently and they told me that the longest bar I can use on my vehicle is the 59" Vortex Bar. Unfortunately, 59" bar isn't long enough for what we need. The 79" bar would better suit our needs, offering us a lot more versatility as our plans evolved. When I asked why, they couldn't really answer the question. They gave me a number to speak with someone at Rhino Rack, but their customer service didn't know either. I assume its because the extra 10" on each side will act like a lever, creating greater forces on the tower/cap/cab than what was intended. When speaking with Rhino Rack and from what I've read, their bars can hold a substantial amount of weight. Far more than the 300lb's my shell is rated for. Has anyone installed a longer bar than what was spec'd for their vehicle and did you have any issues? We'd be mounting a batwing to the edge of one side and most likely a kayak or gear box will be hanging out on the other.