How many Aux power circuits do you have?


Super Trucker
My 96 Suburban has two constantly hot 30 amp auxiliary power parts on the PDC.

Tomorrow I'm wiring in a six circuit fuse block for aux lights. The other will be used for power outlets in the rear.

Out of curiosity I'd like to know how many aux circuits do y'all run in your rigs and for what?

Ducky's Dad

However many you put it, it won't be enough. I think I have eleven in my truck: driving lights, cornering lights, LED bar, backup/work lights, refrigerator in the cab, refrigerator in the bed, aux power outlets in cab, aux electric engine fan, camper shell lights, underhood lights, alarm.


Expedition Leader
:sombrero: I've got 10 in my jeep--

-Auto temp monitoring/CB radio/OBA/Rear lights/driving lights/windshield (off-road) lights-Two Stock aux pwr plugs in dash and one at tailgate-plus 300 watt inverter

6 are controlled thru the sPOD sustem-

:costumed-smiley-007:wings: JIMBO
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Expedition Leader
my '02 Sub has three 12v 'power ports' in the dash, one is a cig lighter depth. Another on the back of the center console for the 2nd row and another at the right rear of the cargo area by the 'D' pillar. Those are all 'factory'. I want to add a few more, including a couple marine-grade ports outside on the roof rack supports so I can move an LED area light around.


The storage platform / drawer setup I'm designing will include a 'power module' which will have ports facing fore and aft with additional 12v ports, 5v USB, inverter-fed 115V outlets and also some 12v Anderson PowerPole connections (farting around with HAM and CERT too, as well as building a vehicle to take into the high deserts). Thinking about adding some batteries in that as well and a rooftop solar panel setup, so an inverter in there too. I want to be able to power / connect just about anything. Even thinking about a fat power feed for a receiver-mounted winch with an additional set of jumper cables that can be plugged into that port so I can jump another vehicle from my rear bumper a la military truck slave cable. I can take a nice long heavy set of jumper cables and splice in a big powerpole connector near one end, so they can be used either 'normally', or pull one set of jaws off and jack them into the rear port. they make big fat connector variants for 0/2 gage cable


I've likewise used their smaller modular connectors for a variety of power connection options for my handheld HAM radio.

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Super Trucker
my '02 Sub has three 12v 'power ports' in the dash, one is a cig lighter depth. Another on the back of the center console for the 2nd row and another at the right rear of the cargo area by the 'D' pillar. Those are all 'factory'. I want to add a few more, including a couple marine-grade ports outside on the roof rack supports so I can move an LED area light around.


The storage platform / drawer setup I'm designing will include a 'power module' which will have ports facing fore and aft with additional 12v ports, 5v USB, inverter-fed 115V outlets and also some 12v Anderson PowerPole connections (farting around with HAM and CERT too, as well as building a vehicle to take into the high deserts). Thinking about adding some batteries in that as well and a rooftop solar panel setup, so an inverter in there too. I want to be able to power / connect just about anything. Even thinking about a fat power feed for a receiver-mounted winch with an additional set of jumper cables that can be plugged into that port so I can jump another vehicle from my rear bumper a la military truck slave cable. I can take a nice long heavy set of jumper cables and splice in a big powerpole connector near one end, so they can be used either 'normally', or pull one set of jaws off and jack them into the rear port. they make big fat connector variants for 0/2 gage cable


I've likewise used their smaller modular connectors for a variety of power connection options for my handheld HAM radio.


That sounds about like my plan. Have any drawings of your platform/drawer set up?


Expedition Leader
Just crude hand sketches so far. I'll do something better as I get around to building things. Right now my platform overall height is ~9", and the width of the module will be about 10" max, so I need to do some battery shopping and some research on hooking an inverter and solar controller into things like NiMH batteries. The components arent set, so the dimensioning is still rough / open.

The design idea is a storage platform in my suburban. Two long drawers that extend to the backs of the 2nd row seats, ~56", and a 3rd section a smaller module that would be more permanently mounted, wired into the electrical systems, and be sized so it could remain on occasions when I need to re-install the 3rd row seating. The other two drawers would be removed and 'essential' roadside emergency stuff put in a tote.

Overall layout


The three sections would create a flush smooth carpeted floor. The power module and tool / gear drawer will have hinged lids so their insides can be readily accessed. For the power module, in case of reset or fire. The gear drawer in case I can't pull the drawer open for some reason.

An initial concept drawing, when I thought the tool and power sections would be one piece, before I considered the 3rd row.


And some notes on the power module. The ends will be recessed somewhat to shelter the power connections. Both end panels will basically be the same. There'll be a floor penetration for charging via alternator and heavy cabling for a self-jump option, with one of those big round heavy duty rotary cutoff switches by the starter battery. A 1000W inverter will be mounted to the rear face and vented as necessary. with an additional 115V outlet on the other face. Then the other various power ports I mentioned, arranged in as orderly a fashion as possible.


I've built a lot of homebrew stuff like this in the past, various hobbies, custom computers, sci fi movie prop replicas, home remodeling with various built-in devices. This should be a straightforward build. The trick is having all the ideas before I'm committed to a design. I also just scratchbuilt a custom center console for radios for this rig, as well



Expedition Leader
The battery issue might be obviated by adding a 2nd battery in the engine compartment, there's factory provision for a smaller squat batter up in the corner by the passenger firewall. That would solve my self-jump and power for my radios. The back module would then be just charged and supply the inverter and likely host any solar-power options. Dunno yet, haven't looked at the electrical math yet. Still more of a concept than a practical design yet.


Expedition Leader
that small square panel on my dash to the right above the radio console is the now-defunct analog OnStar panel. I'm going to replace that with 6 labeled / illuminated rocker switches for lights and other things, the console power for the radios,etc, IIRC your series Sub has a pull-out cup holder there. It seems like a good spot to add such things as there's not a lot of room except on the skirt panel in front of the driver's knees.

I'm also planning to do a double-din conversion on my dash, turns out the '03-'06 run had double din and the instrument bezel is swappable without changes. Just have to lower the air controls a bit to line up and swap the radio cage mount. going with an in-dash flat panel entertainment system with iPhone connectivity. It will also have a rear camera aux input. Lots of opportunity for electrical modifications while I'm mucking about. And Fire. Lots and lots of Fire.


I thought my Blue Sea 6 circuit fuse block wouldn't be enough for my needs. A year later, I still have empty slots.

At the moment I have: Spot Lights, Fog Lights, Reverse Lights and aux 12V socket.

I keep my HAM radio directly to both battery posts as per the manufacturer's instructions, even though my fuse block has the negative bus as well. My GPS is usually wired to the USB ports on the factory cig sockets and I haven't found a reason to hardwire my inverters either.

I haven't had the need for the two other slots yet, and I can't think of anything that will need it for now. Maybe I'll hardwire one small inverter and keep the larger one for heavier camping duties.

FYI: I forgot to mention I have a single battery

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