I pack two DO one fits inside the other. They are great for all meals and deserts plus there are some good cook books on here for free to download.
Well I have a 10" cast iron DO that I inherited from my grandmother of unknown origin with a domed lid so I will have to get a flat lid which I see are available. I have cooked with this unit at home in the oven and on the stove but not with coals. Sure would like to get one of those bags from Blur Ridge Overland but alas there is none on there site. Maybe with proper prodding we could get a group by going.
Those are nice bags! I would be interested.
I talked to them about that a couple of weeks ago. They stopped selling them on the site, but will still make them if you custom order it from them.
I have one or two smaller disks left so I'm thinking of making a couple of 'diskata' (Cowboy woks).
You can cook up a lot of food in one with just a propane burner. I would skip the legs and make a small stand instead.
Those are nice bags! I would be interested.
This is an old post, but I'm hoping Joanne is still monitoring this thread. Regarding the discata/discada photo - Have you actually used it over the portable campfire as shown? I've always wondered about whether it'd be practical to use my CampChef campfire as a cooking heat source, since I hate the idea of lugging multiple large propane-powered circles-with-stands. I imagine you would have hot spots, etc., but something conductive like carbon steel should even things out well enough, I'd think.
Just curious about your experience. Thanks!
I've cooked in my Dutch oven using a tripod over my Campfire In A Can several times. It cooks evenly and no issues with hotspots. The propane fire ring does leave a ton of soot on the cast iron. I only use it in a pinch due to the extensive cleanup required.