How many of you make sure to bring protection when on the trail?

Just curius if anyone brings protection when they are out. The local coal town logging roads are pretty busy and partys which the locals throw often result in drunks racing through the woods on ATV's and dirt bikes.

I make sure to always pack at least mace and my police baton.

Tucson T4R

Expedition Leader
When I am out alone or with just my family I always have my .45 with me. Especialy in Southern AZ with all the cross border challenges. When on the trail with larger groups I usually leave it at home.


Protection........oh, protection. I was thinking.....oh never mind.:jumping:
I always have at least a shotgun handy. Being lower on the food chain makes you think a bit differently in Alaska.:chowtime:



Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Never. When I lived in Alaska I carried bear spray, but that's about it. Having traveled in some pretty sketchy places around the globe, the overall feeling I get in the US is that I'm pretty safe unless I make a poor decision that puts me in harms way.

If I don't feel safe in a given area, then I move along.


I usually bring my wits for protection.
And a large medieval sheild. you pull that sucker out and people think you're nuts....but it's good protection from the spears and occasional lance attack.


I use to carry a 222 / 20 gauge over/under a long time ago. I always has a selection of shells. The 222 woulod just go right through a charging bear but a 20 gauge slug would stop it. However, you would need to shoot it a close range to be sure. But it just became a liability to lug aound unless I was hunting. For cougars (not the human kind :rolleyes:), you wouldn't have achance to get a shot away if one was hunting you. For bears, I have always been able to scare them aware without firing a shot. A number of years ago Canada required that all firearms be registered and i had not hunted in a long time, so i just gave all my rifles to my sister. Now a days, all I take with me is my dog. She will alert me to trouble long before it becomes trouble.

Christophe Noel

Expedition Leader
Solid tactic.
Not so much a tactic as a way of life. I'm half French, half chicken. I'd much rather avoid the scary situation than figger out ways to fight my way out of said ugly situation. You should'a seen me traveling through parts of West Africa. I was like the scared illegitimate love child of Woody Allen and Don Knotts. In part because I didn't listen to my inner chicken and ended up in a part of Africa that wasn't kind to gangly, naive Americans. I got a rifle butt slammed into my kidney by a soldier. That made me a chicken for life. To quote Monte Python, "Run away......"
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alaskantinbender said:
Protection........oh, protection. I was thinking.....oh never mind.:jumping:


As to the 'real' topic....I don't carry anything, and I am comfortable with that. At the same time, when I camp with one of my friends who is a weapons expert, who ALWAYS has 2 handguns on his person....I admit, I feel a bit more comfortable....

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