How much recovery gear do you keep in your daily driver?


I keep a big piece of plastic. It says Visa on it or something like that. It fixes most anything
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In my Jimmy, I typically keep a pair of gloves, a receiver hitch clevis, an additional clevis, and tree strap in my truck. Also keep jumper cables at all times. When I know I'm getting out in the sticks, I add a snatch block, 3rd clevis, and recovery strap.

For my Yukon (DD), always have jumper cables, cheap air compressor, and a two strap.
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Crew Chief
While I currently live in OK, I grew up in southern Indiana, where just getting to work or school can be an expedition in itself sometimes. I thought it was normal for the school but to drive through 2 feet of water on the way to school! lol

Consequently, I keep the basics (for me at least) in my bronco 24/7. You never know when you'll come across someone stuck in a ditch or fallen down an embankment. Where I grew up, the land is about 40% swamp, so the roads are always raised and if you go off of them at the wrong time, it can be a real b$%^& to get back on them.


I also keep a BFH, shovel and a 4 ft. T-post in the back. The t-post can be planted as an anchor and is easy, cheap and lighter than most commercial anchors. Not so good in dry sand, but I don't nave that much trouble with dry sand.
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