
Although they were never made for vans, older oval style Ford Power Towing Mirrors share the same extension arms as the E-Series "Paddle Mirrors"
Swapping the F-Series mirrors onto the E-Series bases is a relatively simple task, however all parts do have to wind up in the correct place and orientation otherwise they will not function properly.
In the process of figuring this out I nearly completely took these things apart. Here is (I think) the minimum effort needed to do the swap. If you need to know more for some reason just ask.
You will need:
F-Series OEM Power Adjust and Signal Mirrors
E-Series OEM Extending Power Mirrors
Small deep socket set
Flathead screw driver
Needle-nosed pliers
Start by pairing the mirrors by side, diver side with driver side and passenger side with passenger side. (Believe me, after a few beers and working while watching TV I had them all messed up.)
Cut all electrical connectors off the mirrors. They won't be able to pass through the hole in the mirror base.
I did the whole thing by putting the mirror between my legs while sitting on the couch. This is much easier than hunching over a table.
Extend the mirrors to give yourself some breathing room. Carefully remove the foam gaskets from the base of the mirrors and set them aside.
The plastic mirror base cover is clipped in place on the sides. Use the screwdriver and slowly loosen the clips and wiggle the cover down.

On the face of the mirror base is a single bolt head. This is the tensioner for the folding mechanism. Loosen until the bolt and clip wiggle freely.

Flip the mirror to the closed position.
4 metal bands attach the extension arms to the base. Remove all bolts on one side, and then loosen the bolts on the other side until the band swings freely out of the way.

Feed the wires through the base so they are free. Pull the base off the mirrors carefully.
The metal rod running between the ends of the extension arms is what controls the folding mechanism. Pull it out and set it aside. Inspect for wear and be sure to use the rods in the best shape in the mirrors going on your van.
Remove the end caps on the extension arms with a gentle pull. Label if necessary. These must go back on the same arm in the same direction or the mirror won't fold. (Guess how I know)

Find the C-clips on the extension arm ends. Remove with pliers without bending them. Push the round pieces the clips hold in place out with the hammer and screwdriver. Be careful not to damage the wiring.
Slide the plastic base cover off the extension arms and place with the correct base.
Once both mirrors for one side are apart you can reverse the process to reassemble. Replace or repair any wire protection/insulation as needed. Make sure the tension rod is in place and the bolt is tightened or the mirrors won't stay folded out.